Nothing lasts forever
Mai slowly opened
her eyes and yawned. Then, she closed them once again, wanting to take a short
nap. She was laying on her side. The floor was hard and uncomfortable, but her
back was pressed against something pleasantly warm. She felt the same sensation
around her waist too. Then, her eyes snapped open, as she realized, what it
could be. Her gaze met the strangely familiar cloth, she was laying on – white
with red pattern. Crap! – the girl thought, suddenly remembering, what
happened the last night: unfortunate incident with Shinji, Sesshomaru’s
outburst of jealousy and their fierce lovemaking short after that. She blushed
at the memory. The numb pain between her legs was an undeniable proof of it,
and the strange warmth…
“Good morning,
wife.” Sesshomaru’s deep voice whispered to her ear, as the demon kissed her
behind her ear.
Mai stiffened, realizing that the inu-youkai was spooning her
and both were completely naked, not that they had been dressed the night
“Hello, husband.”
She answered, tensing, when she felt his hand slowly move over her hip, lazily making
its way towards the apex of her legs.
Blushing, her hand darted under the
covers of her kimono and snatched Sesshomaru’s wrist before his palm reached
its destination. The girl heard a disappointed growl right behind her.
Suddenly, the
demon freed his wrist from Mai’s grip.
“Gah!” the girl
yelped, as the inu-youkai flipped her on her back and casually laid his hand on
her belly, supporting his head with the other one, while he was gazing at her,
a smirk playing on his lips.
Mai narrowed her eyes at Sesshomaru, noticing how
awfully self-satisfied he looked. Well, he had every right to be – he made her
spread her legs for him last night, ignoring all her protests. True, it felt
ecstatic and there was nothing wrong with the two of them making love, since
they were already married, but still she felt a little bit angry at the demon
for practically forcing and tricking her into giving in to him.
Mai pushed
Sesshomaru’s hand off her belly and sat up, tightly wrapping the kimono around
her frame. The inu-youkai’s smirk fell from his face.
“Lay down,
woman.” He said in a demanding voice.
The girl made no move neither to get away
further from him, nor to obey him.
“I won’t, you
thief!” she exclaimed, demonstratively turning her head away from him, pouting.
Sesshomaru pulled
himself to the sitting position and glared at the woman, wondering why she was
behaving so strangely. She should defy him no longer, now when they spend the
night together.
“Why do you call
me a thief?” he asked, arching his eyebrow.
Mai peeked at him.
“You stole my
virginity.” She accused the demon.
“Hn.” The
inu-youkai abruptly pulled the girl onto his lap, ignoring her protests. “As I
remember it was given willingly to me.”
Mai glared
daggers at him, as she felt his hand sliding down her back.
“I didn’t want to
do it yesterday!” she kept complaining. Sesshomaru smirked mischievously.
“I distinctly
remember you screaming my name.” he stated, observing with satisfaction, as the
girl’s cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
“It’s… it’s
just…” Mai mumbled, not wanting to admit to the demon, how wonderful and
exciting the last night was for her.
This was just too embarrassing! The
inu-youkai brushed his clawed fingers over her cheek, moving his face closer to
hers. The girl closed her eyes, expecting a kiss.
“Sesshomaru!” she
exclaimed, as his tongue licked the side of her face.
Her eyes snapped open and
she gawked at him, surprised. Then she giggled, thinking, that her husband was
a dog
youkai, after all. Mai gently touched his cheeks, tracing her fingers over his
demon markings, before wrapping her arms around his neck. Suddenly she felt
foolish for picking up the fight right after waking up. She loved Sesshomaru
and that was all, that mattered. Now she was truly his wife and she was happy
because of it. The girl closed her eyes and gently pressed her lips against
Sesshomaru’s in a kiss full of fondness, expressing her love for her husband.
The demon
enthusiastically returned the kiss, embracing Mai tightly. Then, the both of
them grew more passionate, when the kiss was deepened, while the girl tangled
her fingers in Sesshomaru’s silver strands. The inu-youkai gently laid her on
her back, not breaking the kiss. This time she didn’t resist at all, but let
herself enjoy the pure bliss of being close to her beloved. Now she knew, that
there was nothing to be afraid of.
Suddenly, Mai’s
stomach rumbled, spoiling the moment. Sesshomaru broke the kiss and pulled back
to look at her with amusement in his eyes. Her face flushed from embarrassment.
“I’m hungry.” She
admitted. The demon nodded and pulled himself back to the sitting position,
yanking her up with him.
“I will bring you
food, then.” Sesshomaru said, reaching for his hakama.
Mai smiled, thinking,
that her husband was more considerate than she expected. She had a good feeling
about her future life – Sesshomaru may not be perfect, but he was a good man,
and most importantly he was the one she loved. The girl got up and gathered his
haori, handing the clothes to her husband, while sending him a grateful smile.
“It would be nice
of you.” She said, climbing on her toes and giving him a peck on his cheek. The
demon looked Mai in the eyes.
“I would not let
my wife die of starvation.” He replied, leaning down and briefly kissing her
sweet lips, before getting dressed.
Sesshomaru decided not to put the armor on
today, but tied his sash around the waist and reached for his swords. He slid
Bakusaiga behind the obi and looked around, searching for Tenseiga. However,
his father’s fang was nowhere to be seen. Having searched the entire room, he
stilled, baffled by the sudden disappearance of one of his swords.
something’s wrong?” Mai asked, seeing her husband’s strange facial expression.
The inu-youkai furrowed his brows.
“I cannot find
Tenseiga.” He stated after a moment of silence.
The girl gasped, surprised. It
wasn’t like him to lose things. However, there was a possibility. She sighed.
“If I were you, I
would ask your drinking companions if they haven’t seen it. Maybe Inuyasha or
Totosai have something to do with it.” She suggested.
Considering, that her
husband had been slightly drunk yesterday, there must been one hell of a party
last night. It could be possible, that Inuyasha or someone else stole the
sword, meaning it to be a prank.
“Hn.” Sesshomaru
turned his head away. “I will be on my way.” He announced.
Mai smiled, tying
her obi and straightening the kimono. He was so silly sometimes, that it was
funny. The demon stalked towards the exit and the girl ran after him.
wait!” she called after him, making him stop and look back at her.
She came
closer and kissed him lightly on the lips.
“Come back
quickly.” The girl said quietly. Sesshomaru nodded and walked away.
Mai watched him
cross the courtyard and vanish behind the corner. Now she felt, that a new
chapter in her life had just begun and she had a hunch, that it would be the
best one so far. Critically, she cast a look at their new house – quite a ruin
plus the ever-present weeds in the courtyard and the remains of the door, that
was kicked in by Sesshomaru last night. She sighed heavily. If she and her
demonic husband were to lead their lives here, the place must be somehow
repaired. She decided to start with cleaning the debris and making a pile
outside. With a newfound determination, Mai rolled her sleeves and got to work,
carrying the door’s remains outside. Once nearly done, she wiped the sweat of
her forehead and grabbed the last fragment. She dragged it to exit and threw it
on the growing pile. She decided, that it could be used to make a fire. When
the girl was turning around to go back inside, she noticed a glimpse of
something shiny at her feet. She looked down and gasped, covering her mouth
with the palm.
At her feet was
laying her silver hairpin with the emeralds – the same Sesshomaru gave her once
and the same one she threw away near the Asakura castle. What was it doing
here, at her doorstep? The girl felt a shiver go down her spine – it was like a
situation in a horror movie, when items just find their way back to the owner
in some mysterious way. Feeling nervous, she looked around, but noticed no one.
And yet she was sure, that a while ago the hairpin wasn’t here. Damn, she
wished, that Sesshomaru was here. Hesitantly, she picked up the hairpin.
Mai gazed at the
piece of jewelry and examined it. This was definitely hers – she recognized the
small details. Slightly freaked out, she turned around and went inside the
house. Once in the room, she heard a noise behind her and stiffened from fear.
There was someone in the house! She whirled around to see the intruder,
regretting, that she didn’t have anything, which she could use as a weapon.
“Hello.” A
cloaked figure said to Mai. The girl gasped and took a step back.
“Who are you and
what do you want?” she demanded, gathering the rest of her courage and
calculating the best escape route at the same time.
The stranger
laughed melodically. Mai narrowed her eyes, hearing the feminine voice. It was
a woman!
“Do you not
recognize me, Sesshomaru’s little bride?” the stranger asked, taking a step towards
Mai, making the girl back away, till her back slammed against the wall. The
woman laughed again, but the laughter was humorless and dry. “You do not even
recognize me, after what you did to me.”
“I don’t know,
what you’re talking about.” Mai answered quickly, thinking who may have a
grudge against her. The mysterious woman let out a furious sound.
“You stole my
life from me!” she screamed, as her pale, clawed fingers reached to unfasten
the ties of the cloak. Once the fabric slipped onto the floor, Mai gasped,
recognizing the person.
“Kasumi!” she
exclaimed, shocked, seeing the crane demoness before her.
The ethereal beauty
was graceful as ever, clad in the finest attire, her silky jet black hair
swooshed, as the cloak fell to the floor. The cold sapphire eyes gazed at the
human girl with pure hatred. Mai felt herself sweating. The demoness must want
revenge for her marrying Sesshomaru instead of Kasumi.
“You came to kill
me.” The girl stated the obvious, terrified, when the demoness took another
step towards Mai, driving the girl into the corner.
She felt like a prey,
waiting for the hunter to deliver a final blow. Kasumi smiled, the graceful
smile playing on her perfect lips contrasting with the hatred in her eyes.
“Kill you?” she
repeated, casually examining her sharp
claws, before looking back at Mai. “No, I will not kill you. It would be too
Mai narrowed her
eyes, her heartbeat racing from stress. What the hell was Kasumi planning?
“What do you want
to do, then?” the human girl demanded. The demoness’s smile vanished, her face
turning into the mask of cruelty.
“You will see,”
she began, suddenly closing the distance between them, using her demon speed. The girl yelped and attempted to get away, but Kasumi snatched her wrists with
her clawed hands, making Mai drop her hairpin on the floor. The crane-youkai
laughed dryly and looked the girl into the eyes, before saying: “Mai.”
For a moment
nothing happened. Then, the girl saw the demoness changing. The blue demon
markings paled, before completely disappearing. Her long dark hair was getting
shorter with every passing second, changing its color to a lighter tone. Mai
stopped struggling, startled by the transformation, that Kasumi was undergoing
before her eyes. The shape of the demoness’s face changed, the bone structure
was different. She seemed also to shrink. The crane-youkai was a head taller
than Mai, but she was shortening, till their height was even. Then, her height
decreased even more, making the human girl the one, who was taller by a head.
The hair was now dark-brown and reaching past Kasumi’s shoulders. Mai watched
as the sapphire eyes darkened, gaining a brown color with a touch of green in
Mai inhaled the
air sharply, when she recognized into who Kasumi was turning – into herself.
Once the transformation was complete, before her stood an exact copy of
herself. The demoness smiled, showing her teeth with no pointy fangs. Before
releasing Mai from her steel grip, she snatched the girl’s fingers and
scratched her own neck with them, cutting the skin and letting the blood stain the
green kimono. Then, she let go off Mai’s wrists and jumped back gracefully. The
human girl was staring at her carbon copy, speechless. Why did Kasumi do it?
“Perfect!” the
demoness exclaimed, whirling around and touching her face. She examined her
hands and looked at Mai, who was still plastered against a wall. “You like the
illusion, Mai?” she asked.
The girl narrowed
her eyes.
“What was that
for?” she asked sharply. Kasumi smiled with Mai’s lips.
“It is a mean to
exact my revenge upon you and Sesshomaru.” She explained. “You two will pay for
the humiliation I suffered!”
“Sesshomaru won’t
fall for your illusion!” the girl exclaimed. The dog demon used not only his
sight, but also nose. She was nearly positive, that an illusion couldn’t change
a person’s scent, especially when Kasumi still had her demonic reflexes. He
would surely be able to tell them apart.
The crane youkai
laughed again and said in Mai’s voice:
“Are you so
sure?” she asked.
“Of course I am!”
Mai exclaimed.
The girl tensed. Something was off. Her voice! It wasn’t hers –
Kasumi’s voice sounded like it, but the one coming out of her own throat
didn’t. Slowly, she lifted her hand to examine it. The girl froze, as she saw,
that the skin on her palm was pale as a porcelain, her fingers long and ending
with razor-sharp claws, stained with Kasumi’s blood. Panicked she reached to
her hair and discovered, that it was so long, that the jet black strands were
reaching her knees. In this moment she realized, what exactly the demoness did.
“So you have
noticed.” The crane-youkai said, mocking the girl’s shock. Then, something
averted Kasumi’s attention, as she sniffed the air. “Oh, it seems, that Sesshomaru
is coming. He must be so worried about you…”
Out of sudden,
Kasumi inhaled the air and shrieked in Mai’s voice:
“Sesshomaru! Help
Sesshomaru was on
his way back, displeased, that neither his useless hanyou brother nor Totosai
were able to tell him anything coherent about Tenseiga. Perhaps he should
return later, once they regained the strength and clarity of thinking, and try
to obtain some information once more. It bothered him to had lost the sword –
it was the only thing, that was left from his father, after all, even though it
was mostly useless. The demon flipped off the thought – Bakusaiga was more than
enough for him. A Taiyoukai like Sesshomaru needed his sword to be a powerful
weapon. He would not have any use for Tenseiga now, that Inuyasha stole Meidou
Zangetsuha, so he should not regret loosing it that much.
Suddenly, his
attention had been averted from the thoughts of the missing blade, when he
picked up a familiar scent of a demon in the vicinity. That particular scent
was not his favorite – it belonged to his former betrothed Kasumi. Sesshomaru’s
eyes widened, as he realized, what the presence of the female crane-youkai meant.
Mai! His wife must be in danger! Then, he smelled Mai’s blood.
The dog demon
threw away the food, Kaede gave him, and darted towards his house with all the speed
he could manage.
“Sesshomaru! Help
me!” Mai’s voice screamed.
The demon cursed, hearing fear in his wife’s voice.
He had to get to her, before Kasumi killed her! He passed the courtyard in one
leap and rushed into the house.
Inside, there
were two females. Sesshomaru felt a wave of relief, seeing his wife alive, only
a shallow wound on her neck. She looked at him with the same relief.
“Sesshomaru!” she
exclaimed, running to hide behind his back. Once he made sure, that Mai was
safe, his attention turned to the enemy – the crane demoness, who was standing
on the opposite side of the room, her back
pressed against the wall. The sapphire eyes were widely opened and
staring at him, as though in shock. The inu-youkai cast a quick glance at her
right hand and saw, that her claws were stained with blood. His nose confirmed,
that the blood belonged to his wife. It was an undeniable evidence, that Kasumi
had attacked Mai, while he was away. Sesshomaru felt his blood boiling at the
thought of someone hurting his woman.
“Sesshomaru, she
tried to kill me!” Mai exclaimed from behind his back, pointing at the
Mai stared in
shock, as Kasumi, who looked exactly like her, hid behind Sesshomaru, posing as
the human girl. He didn’t recognize her! She didn’t expect that coming. For a
longer while she could only gawk at those two, unable to utter a word. Then,
she saw Sesshomaru turning his attention to her, fury in his eyes. She
realized, that he must think, that she was Kasumi and had just attempted to
kill his wife. She wanted to take a step back, but behind her was the wall. She
looked at her husband, wanting to make him understand, what happened.
wait! It’s me, Mai!” she exclaimed desperately, knowing, that she had to
explain things quickly, before the dog demon acts. “Kasumi used some illusion
to make her look like me and me like her!”
The inu-youkai
narrowed his eyes, baffled by Kasumi’s strange excuse. Mai gripped the hem of his
“Don’t listen to
her, Sesshomaru! She’s trying to trick you! Trust your nose!” the woman
The dog demon considered her words. His wife must have been right,
for the scents matched the appearances. Kasumi must be trying to confuse him in
order to use it as an advantage to escape. It was obvious, that the demoness
would attempt to save herself in any way possible, even if it was the most
absurd, for there was only one fate, which awaited the ones, who tried to
murder his precious wife – death. Sesshomaru flexed the fingers of his right
hand, locking the target on.
The human girl
panicked, when her husband didn’t believe her. Mai’s eyes widened, as she saw
the dog demon readying himself to attack. Oh no! Then, Kasumi’s plan became
clear for her – the demoness didn’t want to kill her. She wanted make
Sesshomaru do it. That way it was double as cruel.
“No, Sesshomaru!
It’s everything according to her plan! I’ll prove to you, that I’m Mai! Let
me…” she was shouting desperately to him, but the demon didn’t seem eager to
Behind his back, Kasumi smiled wickedly with Mai’s lips.
“She broke into
the house and was trying to kill me!” she shouted.
Mai opened her mouth to
protest, to say, that it was all lie, but…
Suddenly, Kasumi
took out a knife from behind her back and pointed it at Sesshomaru, ready to
strike. Mai gave out a small cry, fearing for her husband’s life. She wouldn’t
let anyone harm him!
“No!” she
screamed and instinctively leapt forward in an attempt to protect Sesshomaru.
However, the dog
demon took her sudden movement for an attack and rushed to meet his opponent.
He had doubts earlier, but in this moment, as she leapt to deliver a blow,
Kasumi proved her words to be a lie. Sesshomaru’s sharp claws gleamed, as he
swiftly moved his arm.
Mai gasped from
shock, as the inu-youkai leapt towards her, so fast, that she didn’t even have
the time to shout a warning. Then she felt a horrible pain in her stomach, as
though her belly was just ripped apart. She let out a ragged breath, all her
nerves on fire, as she clutched Sesshomaru’s haori for support. Her legs were
about to give up. Slowly, she looked down. Mai saw the dog demon’s hand buried
deep past wrist in her belly, the stain of blood on her kimono getting bigger.
Shaking, the girl looked up, to meet Sesshomaru’s golden eyes, that gazed back
at her with coldness and hatred.
why…” she whispered faintly.
The pain was unbearable, her vision began
blurring. Yet, the worst was the knowledge, that she was dying of the hand of
her beloved. Mai didn’t want to die, not now, when everything was perfect… Her
weak legs bent under her, unable to support her weight anymore. The girl clenched
her teeth, as the pain in her stomach flared, when Sesshomaru ripped his hand
out of her stomach. She fell on her knees, clutching the wound and trying to
slow the flood of the blood, that was leaking between her fingers.
The dog demon was
looking at the demoness, he just had wounded fatally. Her death was a matter of
minutes. He could deliver a final blow instantly, but decided, that the person,
who wanted to hurt his dear wife should suffer before the end. Then, something
glittering caught his attention. He glanced in that direction – in the middle
of the room was a small item laying. He recognized it instantly, for it was the
hairpin he once had given Mai. Had she not lost it? Something was not right
here. The hairpin was not supposed to be here…
Then, the
realization struck him. He glanced down at Kasumi, who was kneeling and
clutching her bleeding stomach, looking at him with teary eyes. They were of a
color of sapphires, but there was something very familiar to him in them, there
was the affection, he knew Mai had for him. Sesshomaru’s eyes widened in
horror, as he learnt, what he just had done.
The woman behind
him laughed in Mai’s voice. The demon whirled around to face her. Suddenly, she
began changing before his very eyes – the short brown hair turned black and
grew, till they reached the woman’s knees. The kimono also changed the shape
and color. Mai’s bone structure had been replaced by other, more perfect. Soon,
before him was standing no one other than the demoness Kasumi, laughing at him.
“How does it
feel, Sesshomaru?” she asked, malicious gleam in her sapphire eyes. “How does
it feel to kill your beloved wife with your own hands?”
narrowed his eyes, clenching the teeth.
“Kasumi.” He
growled the crane-youkai’s name, his heart crazy with fury. The demoness send
him a brief smile.
“By choosing the
human girl over me you humiliated me beyond imagination, Sesshomaru! I cannot
bear such shame on me and my clan!” Kasumi exclaimed and the contented smile
appeared on her lips.
Before Sesshomaru
had time to kill her, she ripped out a knife from her sleeve and with one swift
move she plunged the blade into her heart.
“Now my revenge is complete.” She uttered, the
blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, as she fell on the floor.
The dog demon
turned around to look at Mai. There she was – now looking like herself, laying
on the wooden floor in a pool of the blood. She was still clutching the wound
on her belly with her palm, but the red liquid kept flowing, painting her green
kimono red. Sesshomaru’s heart felt like exploding from the overwhelming guilt
and sadness. It was his fault, that his beloved wife was blooding to death on
the floor of their house, he was the one, who gave her death.
Mai didn’t feel
the pain anymore, her body was getting numb. She was cold and so sleepy… She
focused her eyes and looked at Sesshomaru, who was standing over her. She
reached her hand to him.
“Sesshomaru.” She
said weakly the name of her beloved husband. The dog demon fell on his knees by
her side and took her in his arms. Mai tried to return his embrace, but her
body wouldn’t listen to her anymore. She gazed into his golden eyes, the eyes
she used to hate and yet she grew to love so much… The girl’s eyelids were
“Mai!” Sesshomaru
said her name, shaking her slightly and not allowing her to close her eyes.
woman’s skin was so pale, her eyes glassy, as though she saw the next world
already. The demon felt a painful stab of grief in his heart, seeing her like
this – barely alive, hanging limply in his arms. He clenched his teeth. This Sesshomaru will not let her die! The inu-youkai reached to his hip to rip out
Tenseiga from its scabbard. He had to save her no matter what!
The demon tensed,
as his hand met only the hilt of Bakusaiga and he remembered, that he did not
possess Tenseiga anymore. Impossible! He could not save Mai’s life?
“Sesshomaru.” Mai
said quietly his name, speaking with effort. He held her closer to his chest.
The woman smiled at him faintly. “I’m glad, we met, even if we were together
for a short time. I love you, my husband.”
Her frail body
shook, as she coughed blood. She felt, that the life was leaving her. At least
she would die in the arms of the man, she loved.
“Mai…” Sesshomaru
whispered. He had so much to tell her and yet no words were able to leave his throat.
He stared in disbelief, as the once bright flame of Mai’s life was fading
before his eyes.
“Kiss me.” She
whispered. “Kiss me one last time.”
Sesshomaru leaned
down and pressed his lips against Mai’s pale ones in a gentle kiss, feeling the
taste of her blood. This kiss was their goodbye. He kissed her till he was not
hearing the weak beating of her heart anymore. Slowly, the demon pulled back
and looked at the lifeless body of his wife, sorrow in his eyes. He refused to
believe, that she was gone. Sesshomaru pressed her tightly against his chest
and clenched his teeth. How could he have let her die? He felt unbearable
guilt, for he was the one, who ended her precious life. If not for him, she
would have lived… If not his selfish desire to keep her by his side… If only he
did not lose Tenseiga… If only…
There was so much
he regretted, but he did not regret meeting her – Mai was like fire,
illuminating the darkness of the night. She was the only woman, he ever loved…
and now she was gone, died without him ever telling her that because of his
foolish pride.
Sesshomaru buried
his face in her tangled hair.
“I love you.” He
whispered, as a tear streamed down his cheek.
Author Note:
I’m sorry, but I’ll write a longer note in the epilogue.
I’m crying myself after I reviewed this last chapter. I know, that you were
expecting something different, but that’s how I would like to end the tale of
Mai and Sesshomaru. I hope, that you enjoyed reading my story.
I’ll post the epilogue tomorrow. Everyone, please
leave a comment and wait for the Epilogue: The Funeral.
PS. Were you expecting this?
PS. Were you expecting this?
I am absolutely not expecting this. I doubt, that sesshomaru will just let her die like that. I know she's gonna live and that's what I believe, at least -period-
ReplyDeletePS: I also don't trust you author-san if you think you are going to trick your readers from this emotional moment (which made me cry a lot). That's not a very good joke.
no way i won't fall for this another time! i know she will live! if not...then i will just cry a lot and never again read this story(((i hate bad endings.
ReplyDeletep.s. thanks for the chapter anyway, your talent is huge, so many interesting ideas... please update soon.
I really hope that this isn't really the end....its not fair.
ReplyDeletei hope your kidding that this is the end....... she better come back to life in the funeral or it kind of ruins the entire story ;(
ReplyDeleteHey, I see that all of you are surprised ;-)
DeleteYou know how I like sudden twists in the plot... I bet you weren't expecting that coming. About bringing Mai back to life, it would be kinda difficult because Tenseiga was destroyed. Maybe if Sesshomaru managed to gather all seven Dragonballs and call the dragon... That would be a Dragonball parody, wouldn't it?
Sorry for being evil, but the best way to end something is... well... to end it permanently.
wouldn't Sesshomaru's mother be able to bring her back?
DeleteMaybe. But I decided not to drag her into this situation. So... no.
DeleteOh my God...she's dead. I was not expecting this at all...I'll be sure to read the epilouge~Quagomay
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad that Mai died. :( I was actually balling my eyes out when I got the end. I feel so terrible for Sesshoumaru. Its just not fair that it ended this way. Damn you, Kasumi, and your jealousy! Well, I'm gonna say this, Miss Gosia Wyrwas you can write an absolutely amazing Sesshoumaru and OC fanfic. It was just freaking amazing, and so well written. I could actually see this whole story playing out on the big screen. I really could. I'm glad to have your story! :) I look forward to Mai's funeral, I'll bring some flowers. ~Bloodylilcorpse
ReplyDeleteDarn it! If only sesshomaru wasn't so dense! Well I guess I can't blame him too much...
ReplyDeleteI have to hand it to kasumi too, she sure knew how to get revenge (the taking of tenseiga was diabolical)
I can't wait to read the epilogue (I don't think sesshomaru would give up that easily (look what he did for rin))
Update soon!
I knew his prude would come back to bite him... I'm just sad that it was in this way.... :(
ReplyDeletethat is so wrong...and so sad.
Bring them Dragonballs.....
ReplyDeletenot cool.... i really hate sad endings :(
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare leave it like this. Omg. Srsly? What are you doing to me? Why? Why would you do that? D:
ReplyDeleteOhhh Kasumi.... Jealously looks ugly on you... Now we know the scorn of a woman...
Is there going to be a happy ending? An ending like this leaves me so unfulfilled, almost makes me regret spending all the time reading the story! I adore your writing, the fic is amazing but the ending kinda ruined it for me. What's wrong with a happy ending?
ReplyDeleteI really loved your story up to this point. Now I am actually kinda disappointed... Why is it so important to have a plot twist? I don't really care about that! I just want my favorite characters to be together, so that I don't have to stay awake at night wondering. Also I don't really see the point in reading a love story if they die anyway. So if you really want to satisfy your readers you should consider bringing the Dragonballs into the story ;)
Deletewell? where's the epilogue? i checked for it like o hundred times today... please update!!!!
ReplyDeleteEpilogue???? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ [flips a table] I'm going crazy here...
ReplyDeletePlease author-san... (っ◕‿◕)っ
.....and i fliped my laptop!!!