Being a
Jaken was running around the town like crazy. Actually
he was going crazy – with fear. Every passing hour felt like the rope
tightening around his neck. Not only he lost his human companions, including
Sesshomaru-sama’s wife and ward, but also it was highly probable, that they had
been kidnapped. Again. Jaken scowled. He had the suspicion, that it happened
because of Mai’s supernatural ability of
getting into the trouble. Maybe her ancestors had been cursed? Cursed or not,
it was him, who was responsible for their safety. Once Sesshomaru-sama found
out… Jaken dreaded even to think of that!
The imp kept searching the town methodically. He went
back to the inn, but the humans naturally weren’t there. He suspected, that
they had been sold as slaves to one of the town’s inhabitants. Therefore he was
checking every household and every shop, looking for his lost companions. He
even cancelled all Mai’s orders and got the money back, so that he would be
able to buy them back just in case they had been already purchased by someone.
“A woman, short, brown hair past shoulders, green
kimono? Little girl in orange kimono?” he kept asking in the shop selling
sandals, but there was no information either. Jaken hung his head and was about
to walk away, when he saw a familiar silhouette.
“I said faster!” Some demon yelled and whipped the
poor child, who was carrying a lot of heavy packs. Jaken narrowed his eyes.
There was no doubt! He recognized the boy!
“Kohaku.” He said quietly, glad, that he found one of
them. He hurried to the man, who appeared to be his owner.
“Jaken-sama!” the boy exclaimed, but the imp shushed
him, knowing, how such matters were dealt with in this town.
“I’ll buy this boy! How much do you want?” Jaken asked
the youkai. The demon furrowed his brows.
“He’s not for sale. I bought him only two hours ago.”
He muttered and was about to walk away, but the imp blocked his way.
“I was asking: how much?” Jaken repeated.
The man wasn’t a stupid one and greed didn’t let such
an opportunity slide.
“Thirty golden coins.” He named the price three times
higher than when he purchased the boy on the slave auction.
Without saying a word, Jaken emptied the pouch and
handed the man the exact amount of gold. The youkai passed the control device
to the imp and walked away, carrying the heavy packs all by himself.
“It’s good to see you Jaken-sama! You saved me.”
Kohaku thanked him. Jaken nodded.
“You’re welcome. Where are Mai and Rin-chan?” he
asked, while getting rid off the collar on
Kohaku’s neck. Once the boy was free
from the metal ring, he shook his head.
“I don’t know. We were separated.” He replied.
Jaken sighed heavily. His misery wasn’t over, for he
still had to find the females.
Mai and Rin were ushered into the large chamber
filled with human women. It was horribly noisy here – the laugher and chatting
were making this place seem as lively as a beehive. When she entered, the girl
instantly found herself in the center of attention. The courtesans were
scanning her upside down, loudly commenting her good and bad points. Mai was
nervously glancing sideways, not sure, what she should do.
“Hey, new one!”she heard someone calling from the far
end of the chamber. Not waiting for anything else, Mai rushed forward, wanting
to escape the curious stares as quick as possible. She faced a woman around her
thirties, who also scanned her up and down. “Gods, have you been bathing in
mud? Your clothes are dirty and torn!”
Mai winced, while being scolded by the courtesan. The
woman grabbed her cheeks and squeezed them, forcing the corners of her mouth
twist up.
“Smile, girl, smile!” she exclaimed. “No one wants to
see a courtesan pouting or crying. Smile is gold! The more you smile, the more
customers pay. The more they pay, the better life you’ll have!”
Mai glared at her, not willing to explain, that she
wasn’t planning on making a career in whoring business, but was just
temporarily stuck in this place. The middle-aged courtesan grabbed her hand and
began leading the two girl somewhere.
“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself!” she said, flashing
a bright smile. “I’m Tsukiko and I’ll teach you about this and that.”
Mai sighed heavily, seeing, that the woman was winking
to her. She definitely didn’t know about “this and that”.
“I’m Mai and this is Rin.” She introduced herself and
the kid. Tsukiko clapped her hands, opening the door leading to the spacious
“Nice to meet you two! I’m sure, that you’ll be the
best courtesans in this town!” she exclaimed confidently.
Mai muttered something under her nose in response, not
sharing her enthusiasm.
Then, Tsukiko insisted on having Mai and even Rin
undergoing some beautifying procedures, that included the hot bath in rose
petals, manicure, massage and even the much-desired depilation.
Actually, it
was like going to spa. If not the tiny fact, that she was in a brothel, the
girl would enjoy it very much. After the three hours of undergoing the
beautifying procedures, Mai and Rin got dressed in plain pink kimonos. The girl
thought, that this wasn’t the worst way to be kidnapped. It was a pity, that
not always she had such a comfortable prison. Now her skin was nearly glowing,
smooth and soft, not to mention, that she smelled very nicely now. She felt
like a new person.
“Much better now?” Tsukiko made sure, when she was
leading the girls back to the chamber, where all the courtesans were gathering.
“Now you’ll see, how a courtesan should prepare herself before a meeting with a
Mai nodded, now much less defiant. Well, the free spa
and a beautician course while waiting to be saved wasn’t really what you call torture.
“Everyone, say hi to Mai!” Tsukiko called to the
courtesans, as soon as she appeared in the doorframe. The other women greeted
the new girl, some less enthusiastic than the others.
Compared to the casual atmosphere before, now everyone
was hectic, busy applying make-up and helping each other get dressed. Tsukiko
immediately joined in, explaining everything to Mai and Rin in the process. As
the girl saw, the way of applying make-up differed according to the age of the
girl and taste of a client. Some girls had to paint their faces like geishas
and the other had only a light make-up applied.
Once Mai more or less mastered the way of painting the
faces, what went very fast, as she had some experience before, Tsukiko began
teaching her way of putting up the attire. The kimonos the courtesans wore were
quite sluttish in Mai’s opinion, as they exposed the shoulders and the
cleavage. But, maybe she got used to this era just a little bit too much. After
all the clothes in the 21th century were exposing much more flesh.
Suddenly, the sliding door opened with a loud “bam”
and the demoness Akako stormed in. She scanned the room and pointed a group of
girls, who were already prepared.
“You five, go to the second hall!” she commanded,
before looking at the other girl.
“Eiko, Harumune-san is waiting for you in the third
room. Hurry up!” she was frantically giving orders. “Where’s Mariko?”
“I’m on my period!” the girl named Mariko shouted
back. The demoness frowned, biting her lower lip.
“Yumi, you’ll replace her.” She decided quickly.
“Shika, Ai, Riko, get ready. Your regular customers announced, that they’ll
visit this evening.”
With that Akako stormed off the chamber and chaos
ensued. Now the preparation were made at a crazy pace, the women helping each
other. Once dressed, the women were running out of the room to meet customers.
“Business is booming.” Mai made a remark, looking at
the commotion and helping one of the girls get dressed. Tsukiko laughed.
“This is the most famous house of pleasure in this
town.” She explained. “And of course the prices are highest too.”
Rin furrowed her brows, while passing the courtesan an
“What exactly are we supposed to do here?” the child
asked. Tsukiko was already opening her mouth to speak, but Mai was faster.
“To work as waitresses. You know, pouring the drinks
and such.” She said, gaining a disapproving look form the middle-aged courtesan.
Well, it was half-true, if one omitted the second part.
“Okay.” Rin nodded, the serious expression on her
Then the door flew open again, as Akako rushed inside.
“Five girls. Experienced.” She breathed out. “And
three virgins. Be quick!”
After saying that much, she ran off again. Tsukiko
shook her head, seeing another large group of women depart, leaving the chamber
nearly empty, with only seven girls inside: Tsukiko, Mai, Rin, the one called
Mariko, who was on her period, and three others.
“My, my, the night hasn’t even started and everyone is
working already. It’s going to be a busy night.” Tsukiko said, finishing the
make-up of one of the remaining courtesans. Mai sighed and sat on the cushions,
wondering, when Sesshomaru would come here at last. After all, following the
scent was a piece of cake for him.
“Two girls!” Mai nearly jumped from surprise as the
door opened again and Akako yelled another order, looking at the nearly-empty
chapter. She slid her gaze over Mai and Rin, the courtesan-in-training and the
child. She also ignored Tsukiko and looked at the remaining four girls.
“Suzu, Bunko, get ready. The customers are waiting.”
She commanded.
Suzu nodded and began readjusting her clothes, while
Bunko was hesitating.
“I have my period.” She muttered.
The demoness Akako rolled her eyes.
“You too? Well, that can’t be helped.” She replied.
One of the girls offered her help by lifting her hand.
“I can go instead of her!” she volunteered. Akako
looked at her and narrowed her eyes.
“Are you crazy?!” the demoness shrieked. “Look at
yourself! You’re all swollen and sweating! Do you have no common sense?! March
to bed and get better! I won’t allow you to die, because you want to work while
being sick!”
Mai flinched, hearing the demoness shrieking. Well, at
least she was kind enough to send the sick girl to bed… her own bed that is.
Akako scanned the room.
“Mariko, Bunko, go and take care of the customers,
while they will be waiting. Entertain them somehow.” She said, stalking closer
to the group, where Mai was. “Hmm… What now? We’ve run out of the girls.”
Tsukiko smiled and flipped her hair.
“I’m still beautiful and in a good shape.” She offered
her help, but Akako snorted.
“The customer ordered two young virgins. You can fake
being a virgin, but you can’t fake being old.” The demoness muttered, obviously
in a foul mood.
“I’m not old!” Tsukiko protested. The owner of the
brothel arched her eyebrow.
“Tsukiko, you are forty years old. Anyway this old
pervert popped your cherry twenty-five years ago. He might still remember
The courtesan frowned, as her age was apparently her
complex. Akako sighed and looked at Mai, scanning her up and down.
“Tsukiko,” she addressed the middle-aged courtesan.
“Give the new-one a crash-course. She’ll have to take her first customer
earlier than planned.”
Hearing the demoness’s words, Mai paled. The girl
shook her head.
“No way!” She exclaimed, clenching her fists and
glaring at the owner of the brothel. “I won’t do it!”
“Mai.” Tsukiko tried to calm her down, but Mai was set
on fighting for her virtue.
“I won’t! You won’t make me!” she hissed out into
Akako’s face.
The youkai woman frowned, displeased by the violent
reaction. Then, using her demonic speed, she grabbed Rin’s hand and whisked the
child away from Mai. She flexed her red claws, gazing the little girl’s neck.
“Usually I hate to resort to such means, but you leave
me no choice, fiery girl. You will work tonight or your little sister dies.”
Akako threatened. The demoness brutally grabbed struggling Rin by her hair and
cut the skin on her neck a little to emphasize her words. Then, she looked at
Mai. “So, how would it be?”
Mai let out a furious hiss, pissed, that she was being
threatened into doing something like that again. However, she had no choice –
Rin’s life depended on this.
“All right.” She said finally.
Akako smiled.
“I’m glad, that we finally agree. Hurry up!” She told
Mai and left, taking Rin with her.
Mai cursed loudly.
“There, there… it isn’t that bad.” Tsukiko tried to
make the girl feel better, while ushering her to sit on a pillow. “You’re a
virgin, right. It’ll hurt at first, but then it will be quite bearable.”
Mai glared at the courtesan, as the woman began
applying make-up an Mai’s face. In the same time Suzu, who was ready, helped
and did the girl’s hair up, decorating it with a couple of golden hairpins.
“Remember, be nice to the customer and praise him a
lot.” Tsukiko offered her advice.
“Even if he does poorly in bed.” Suzu added. The older
woman nodded.
“That’s right. You have to tell him things like: ‘oh,
you’re so amazing’ and ‘that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever
experienced’. Men like to be praised. It boosts their egos. Wives usually keep
scolding them, so they want to feel like gods for once. That is our job – to
make them happy.”
“And don’t forget to scream.” Suzu advised Mai, who
was getting more and more panicked and embarrassed by those friendly advices.
“Even if you don’t like it, pretend, that it’s
fantastic.” Tsukiko said, yanking Mai up and dressing her in the courtesan’s
attire. Mai tried to pull the fabric up to hide her breasts more, but the older
woman stopped her from doing that. Instead she pulled the kimono off her
shoulders and tightened the broad obi, so that her breast wandered up, now
horribly exposed in the most erotic way.
“Done.” Tsukiko announced, leading Mai to the mirror.
Once she saw her own reflection, the girl gasped both
from terror and amazement. Tsukiko and Suzu managed to make her much more
prettier than usual. Of course the visit in the brothel’s spa also had some
effect. She looked kind of… sexy. But, it was what worried her the most. Her
shoulders were bare and the cleavage enormous, exposing a lot of flesh. Her
breasts looked as though they were about to set themselves free. The tightly
tied obi made them stand out even more.
“I’m so jealous!” Suzu sighed. “You have such pretty
breasts! And the shape is nice too. Mine are far too small.”
Mai’s face flushed from the embarrassing compliment.
Then, Tsukiko ushered the both girls out of the chamber and closed the door
behind them. Mai gulped, as Suzu led her to their destination. Her hands began
shaking and her breathing hitched. Damn, she didn’t want it to end like this!
Everything would be better than having some stranger do her. Crap, right now
she would even rape Sesshomaru if it helped her avoid the miserable fate.
“Relax.” Suzu tried to encourage her with a smile.
courtesan opened the door to the chamber and stepped in. Mai took a deep
breath, slowly counted to ten and followed her to meet her doom.
Author Note:
Hello, my dear readers? How was your weekend? I hope it was fine despite the lack of the updates. Anyway, I just got back from my trip and I'm ready to catch up with providing new chapters for you! Please review!
It wouldn't be rape if he were willing ;)
ReplyDeleteDarn it, save her sesshomaru! Where are you that you haven't noticed that both your ward and your wife are gone
ReplyDeleteYou're supposed to have demonic senses it something!
Glad that you're back!
thanks for wonderful chapters! waiting for more! have a nice week.
ReplyDeleteOMG OMG OMG!!! MAI IS A COURTEASAN NOW!! WHERE ARE YOU SESSHOMARU!! MAI IS TO BEAUTIFUL TO BE LEFT FOR TOO LONG!! I love this chapter! If you told me to choose my favorite one, I would say all 100+! Thanks for updating!~ Quagomay
ReplyDeleteHaha mai is turning into a grandma! XD
ReplyDeleteHope sesshomaru will help her!
Please Update!
ReplyDeleteIm so happy your back!!! Mai is in some deep trouble. Please update soon!!! XD
ReplyDeleteThe one profession that would get mai wishing for sesshomarus body ;)
ReplyDeletePoor mai, she must be so embarrassed... especially with all that 'friendly' advice coming her way...
ReplyDeleteWonders who Mai's first customer will be? Very curious! :) ~Bloodylilcorpse
ReplyDeletenooooooooo~~~ sesshoumaruuuu ... where are yoouuu TT_TT *praying for mai*