Back again
“Sesshomaru!” Mai
gasped, bringing her trembling hand to her mouth.
This horrible feeling… Had it
something to do with him? She abruptly stood up, searching for the clothes to
put on.
“Let him be
alive, let him be okay…” she was whispering frantically to herself, scared to
death, that Sesshomaru could be in a grave danger.
She didn’t even know if he
was alive. What if he was terribly wounded or worse… dying? Mai had to see him
again, just to make sure everything is all right, as she hoped. She just had
to. It didn’t matter if he would tell her to get out, she had one desire left –
to see Sesshomaru.
The girl made her
choice – she would ride to Inuyasha’s village to meet him one, last time.
Surely his own brother would be able to sniff him out. She grabbed some warmer
clothes and put on the shoes. She ran towards the closet, where she kept
scrolls and manuscripts and fished out a map of Japan. According to it, she
would need at least five days to cover the distance on horseback. Therefore,
she needed supplies. Mai grabbed an empty bag and rushed to the kitchen.
She was creeping
silently towards the kitchens, careful not to wake any servants up. If she got
caught, she would never be able to set off on her journey. Mai slipped into the
kitchens and stuffed into the bag as much food as she could, before heading to
the stables.
The girl made it
without much trouble, as there were no guards along the way. Suddenly, she
realized, that she didn’t take one thing into consideration – how the hell
would she get past the gates. They were heavily guarded, not to mention closed.
She would be immediately recognized! Swiftly, she looked around and locked her
target on – the armory. Maybe if she was clad like a guard, she would manage to
slip through somehow. The armory was guarded by one man, but luckily he was
soundly asleep, most probably drunken as a pig.
Carefully not to make any
noise, Mai opened the door, glancing at the guard all the time, and went in. It
was so dark in there, that it took a while for her eyes to accustom. Somehow
she managed to find regular male kimonos, worn usually under the armor. She
quickly undressed and put the manly outfit on. She tied her hair up in a
traditional ponytail, like young men did, and hid her colorful kimonos
somewhere in the corner, stuffing them with her leg. Then she picked up quite a
big armor, that could conceal her breasts. Mai cursed, that she was not
flat-chested, for it would be useful in a situation like this. She fastened the
leader straps expertly – she saw Sesshomaru doing it numerous times and put a
hat on. The girl grabbed a naginata, because it would look strange if a soldier
was without any weapon. The naginata was heavier than she thought. Cursing
under her nose, she slipped out of the armory, without waking the man at the
Mai was just
heading to the stables to steal a horse, when some commotion began. Mai peeked
to see what was happening, when she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder.
Mai flinched, as
she felt a heavy hand falling on her shoulder.
“Here you are,
boy.” A deep voice bellowed behind her. “Judging by your armor, you must be
Kakiya Katsuo, is that right?”
The girl refrained
from shrieking from surprise with all her willpower. Damn, she got caught! But
the man took her for some soldier, so maybe hope was not lost. If she was able
to pretend to be a princess, a demoness, so she could also pretend to be a
soldier. She turned around, doing her best to cover her face.
“Yes, that’s
right!” she said, lowering her voice on purpose. The man released her shoulder
and looked at her strictly.
“It looks like
you lost weight recently, you have thinner arms. Better get yourself a new armor
once we return from Urawa.” He said.
“Urawa?” Mai
repeated, startled, that the man wanted her to go somewhere in the first place.
The man, she
figured out, that he was a commander, arched his eyebrow.
Kakiya, you should eat less and use your ears a little. Probably you’re just
too excited about your first assignment. Come, we need to leave.”
Mai opened her
eyes wider. Crap! She got herself into some mess again! The commander put his
hand back on his shoulder and pushed her towards the group of mounted samurai.
Two horses were without riders and, apparently, the man took her for one of his
subordinates and wanted her to embark on
some journey. She couldn’t refuse without blowing her cover. Besides, it was
quite a good idea to slip out of the castle on a horse. She decided to play
along and then part the ways with the samurai.
The girl ran to
her horse and, not without difficulties, she managed to crawl onto the
horseback, careful not to lose the horribly heavy Naginata. The gates opened.
“Onwards!” the
commander bellowed and thirty riders set off in the middle of the night. Mai
had some practice in horse riding, so it wasn’t a first for her. However, after
several hours of galloping her butt hurt terribly, but the group was rushing
forward, riding through the snow. During the day they made only one brief stop
and rode till midnight. Finally, the commander ordered to set a camp.
The girl
unsaddled her horse and, after a short visit in the forest, sat in the camp, as
far from other samurai as possible. She took her bag from hiding place under
her armor – as it was too big for her, she had barely enough space for her
breast, but plenty where her belly was. She fished the map out and unrolled it,
studying it. Where were they heading? The man said Urawa… she searched with her
eyes and nearly exclaimed with happiness, as she found it. It was in the
vicinity of Kaede’s village. The samurais knew the way, were armed, so she
wouldn’t have to worry about the bandits and they kept a good, yet murderous pace.
It was a smile of fate, after all. She would just ride with them and then leave
near Urawa. Contented, she hid the map.
“I noticed, that
you’re sitting here alone. You should eat something!” a cheerful male voice
Mai’s head snapped up and she saw a young samurai standing before her
with two bowls of hot stew, smiling friendly. He was just a boy, not older than
fifteen years old. “Here, take it. My name is Hiroyoshi Keiji, what’s yours?”
The girl
hesitantly took the bowl from him and struggled to remember, how the commander
called her.
“Kakiya Katsuo.”
She finally remembered.
Mai hoped, that the overly talkative boy would go away,
but she saw with horror in her eyes, that he sat next to her instead. Damn, the
less contact with her new companions, the better.
“It’s my first
assignment. Is it yours as well?” he asked. She nodded. Keiji’s face
brightened, the wide smile spreading across his face. “Great! We’re the only
newbies here, so we should get along!”
Mai moaned,
horrified by the perspective of the kid clinging to her, while she was doing
everything not to blow her cover. She glared at him.
“Look, tomorrow
we have to get up early, so let me sleep!” she snapped at the boy.
It was a
little rude, but with the people like that you just have to be straightforward.
Keiji shut up, as expected. Mai leaned on the saddle and closed her eyes.
Unfortunately, the silence didn’t last long.
“Hey, Kakiya, did
you fight before?” the boy asked in a hushed voice, as though he didn’t want
the other samurai’s to hear. Mai opened one eye and glanced at her unwelcomed
companion. Keiji was laying with his head on the saddle, but kept stirring from
“Mhm.” The girl
muttered something, what was supposed to be a positive response.
But, it was
technically a lie – usually Sesshomaru did all the fighting and she was a
damsel in distress, who needed saving. Occasionally she had the chance to whack
somebody on the head, but it couldn’t be called true fighting.
“I didn’t.” Keiji
spoke again, this time whispering. “I just practiced on the sticks, but never
did the real thing.”
Mai rolled her
eyes. It was really “interesting”, that the boy found himself somebody to share
his fears with, but she had her own problems.
“I’m sure you’ll
do good, when the time comes. Goodnight.” The girl ended the conversation and
closed her eyes. The moment of silence was a blessing. The sounds of chatting
soldiers and neighing horses were making her sleepy. Mai readjusted herself and
began falling asleep.
“Kakiya,” her
eyes snapped open at Keiji’s voice. “Were you ever wounded?”
“No.” the girl
snapped, annoyed. “Goodnight. Sleep well.”
Unfortunately the
boy didn’t grasp the suggestion and kept bugging her.
“It must hurt a
lot.” He shared his thoughts again. “Kakiya…”
This time Mai had
enough. If Keiji went on like that, he would keep her awake till dawn. She sat
up abruptly and sent him her best poisonous glare.
“Stop talking
already and go to sleep.” She said slowly, so that even an imbecile coud grasp
the message.
Keiji muttered unhappily, that his new friend was unwilling to talk with
himself more. Thankfully, this time silence was permanent and Mai was able to
get her sleep tonight.
“Get up, you lazy
sons of the bitches!” Mai’s eyes snapped open at the yell.
She looked around and
saw grinning Keiji standing over her, offering his hand to help her up. She
tried to do it by herself, but the damn armor prevented her from moving freely.
After the night with this wretched thing on everything hurt, especially her
poor squished tits. She accepted the boy’s help.
“You sleep with
your armor on? Whoa, you must be tough.” He stated.
Mai mumbled something in
response and went to saddle her horse. Soon their squad was on its way, her
butt bumping on the horseback. The girl hated the military drill – everything
hurt, she lacked sleep and it was overall horrible, but it was the quickest way
to Sesshomaru. She hoped to see him alive…
The first day on
the road had been blissfully uneventful, but the same couldn’t be said about
the second. Keeping her identity and sex secret turned out to be more of a
challenge, than she though before. Around noon the commander ordered a short
break to feed the horses and the soldiers, as well to relieve the bladders.
When Mai dismounted her horse, she crossed her legs and looked around
helplessly. On the previous day it was a piece of cake, since they were riding
through the woods, but now only bare land was everywhere, with a river snaking
across the rocky ground. Mai whined in her mind, seeing no place, which could
grant her some privacy – everything was covered with a thin layer of snow and
hopelessly flat. There was no tree, no bush, no boulder, nothing. The girl
crossed her legs tighter, feeling the pressure of nature.
“Crap.” She
muttered, glancing at the fellow soldiers, who shamelessly were relieving
themselves, standing next to each other and chatting to themselves.
clenched her teeth, knowing, that she had to hold it till the nightfall. Dear
god, how something so simple could complicate the things so much?!
“Hey, you!” she
heard a voice calling and saw one of the older samurai looking her way. Mai
glanced sideways, but no one was standing near her. He was talking to her. The
samurai rolled his eyes. “Yes, you, dumb boy! Come here.”
The girl bit her
lower lip. Were they suspecting something? Nevertheless, she had to act till the
end. Feeling, that her legs were horribly stiff, she made her way towards the
men, trying to stomp like she was one of them. Once she joined the group,
having all the worst hunches possible, one of the samurai patted her back
energetically. Mai swayed on her feet, as her lungs got nearly separated from
her spine from the forceful pat. The man laughed jovially.
“Don’t be such a
wimp, lad!” he scolded the girl and the other samurais joined the fun. The
samurai patted her hat. “No use being shy. Pee, if you must. We’re all men
Mai froze,
mortified. The men were looking at her expectantly. She gulped. Crap, now
they’d know, that she was a girl. She waved her hands in defense.
“I don’t need to
pee.” She protested, but the samurai arched his eyebrow.
“And your legs
just naturally entwine each other?” he mocked her.
Mai opened her mouth,
but she wasn’t able to come up with a good retort. He got her there. To her
horror, the other samurai began lining up and relieving their bladders,
ignoring her and returning to chatting with each other. The girl did everything
not to look their way. The samurai, who kept nagging, let out an amused snort.
“What, are you
hiding something, lad?” he asked, making Mai beginning to sweat from tension.
Actually, she was hiding a lot.
“No, of course
not.” She mumbled, noticing with bewilderment, that now all the eyes were on
“I bet he has
nothing to hide!” someone laughed. “His manhood must be tiny as a child’s
The other
samurais joined in the laughter. Mai clenched her fists, as she was standing in
the middle of commotion, surrounded by bullies.
“Maybe it’s
crooked!” someone suggested, adding to the general happiness. The girl shrank
in herself.
“Or his balls are
like rice grains!” another samurai coughed out, bending in half from the
Mai made a face-palm, hearing everyone insulting the manhood, she
didn’t even have.
The commander was
standing among the soldiers all the time, his arms folded. He was smiling under
his nose, observing Mai’s misery. Finally, he decided, that the things went too
far and his soldiers needed someone to cool their heads. He stepped in the
middle and put his hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“All right,
that’s enough! On your horses!” he exclaimed, ending the fun.
Mai let out a
relieved breath, while the samurai began muttering, not happy, that the show
ended. The commanded led the girl towards her horse, not taking his hand off
her shoulder.
“They’re only
having fun. It happens always to the new ones. Happened to me too.” The older
samurai said, winking encouragingly. “A true samurai must be as brave as a
tiger and have a scaled butt like a dragon. Remember that, lad. Now on your
Mai nodded
thankfully, glad, that the commander saved her from the whole bullying. He was
rather kind, like a good teacher. Her horse neighed and darted forward.
After the whole
day of harsh ride, Mai was finally able to slide of the saddle. She was plainly
exhausted, not being accustomed to such exercise. Okay, only three days to go.
The further westwards they rode the warmer it got. The girl felt, that she got
some serious abrasions from the damn armor and it would be good to take a look
at them. She scanned her companions and dashed to the forest. When she was deep
enough in the woods, she unfastened the leather straps and took the armor off.
Carefully, she unglued the fabric of kimono from her body. She cursed, seeing
blood. Mai took water and cleaned the abrasions as much as possible. She
regretted not having any sticking plasters. The girl sighed, deciding, that she
would have to endure somehow.
Mai reached for
her armor, when she heard a snapping of a twig. Instinctively she grabbed her
weapon – this time it was something really useful, the naginata, and whirled
around to face the danger.
Bishamonten!” exclaimed Keiji, who was standing between the trees, staring at
Mai with shock in her eyes. The girl glanced down to see what startled the boy
“Shit!” she
cursed, noticing, that she had quite a cleavage, enough not to leave any doubts
about her sex.
“You… you’re a
woman!” Keiji uttered.
Mai narrowed her eyes at him. Crap, if he told the
commander, her trip would be over and the chance to meet Sesshomaru lost.
“Keiji, if you
tell anyone, I’ll slash your balls off.” She threatened, sending him her most
scary glare.
The boy gulped, apparently worrying about the safety of his
testicles and nodded enthusiastically.
“I’ll keep this a
secret! I promise!” he exclaimed.
Mai let out a relieved breath and noted to
herself, that she would have to keep an eye on the boy. She grabbed her armor
and put it on. Once all the straps were fastened, she grabbed her naginata and
set off to the camp, with Keiji trotting by her side.
“Whoa, I thought,
that the women who pretend to be men exist only in legends.” He whispered,
excitement in his voice.
“Mhm.” Mai
mumbled, hoping to end the unwanted conversation. Unfortunately, the kid was
“Why did you join
army?” he kept asking. “For glory?”
“No.” Mai
answered dryly.
“To avenge your
father and brothers?” he kept asking.
“No.” She
thought, that the boy was reading too much samurai romance stories.
“To find your
beloved man, who went to war?” Keiji hit the jackpot this time. The girl blushed
“Um… actually
yes.” She replied.
The boy’s smile widened.
That’s amazing!”
he exclaimed. “Whoa, to think it happens in reality… You must love him a lot,
to do such a thing.”
Mai’s cheeks
“Kind of… yes…”
she mumbled.
“I wish, that the
woman, I love, could do such a thing for me.” Keiji sighed. Mai glanced at him.
“So you have a
girl you like?” she asked him, hoping to avert his attention from her personal
The boy smiled dreamily.
“I love her, but
I’ve never met her.” He stated. Mai arched her eyebrow.
“That’s weird.”
She commented.
Keiji abruptly shook his head.
“No, it’s not!”
he protested fervently. “She is the most beautiful woman in the world!
Unfortunately my cousin will be marrying her next year.”
“Poor you. So
she’s a looker?” Mai laughed at the boy’s first unrequited love. That was kind
of cute.
Keiji pouted.
“She is not
simply pretty - no other woman could match her grace and charm! Her beauty even
enchanted a fearsome demon, who defeated the whole army to win her hand and
marriage.” he continued.
Mai turned her
head abruptly to look at the boy. The story was much exaggerated, but sounded
somewhat familiar…
“A beauty, huh?”
she grinned to herself, pleased by the silly gossip. Sounded nice. She narrowed
her eyes at the boy. “Your family name is Hiroyoshi, right? Are you by the
chance a cousin of Hiroyoshi Shinji?”
Keiji nodded
“Yes! How did you
know?” he exclaimed. Mai smiled quizzically.
“Just a lucky
Luckily, Keiji
managed to keep Mai’s secret. The next day passed somehow without any incidents
– Keiji turned out to be an useful accomplice, who was skillfully helping her
avoid the situations like yesterday. The sun was already low on the sky, when
they reached a bridge. Precisely, that, what remained of it. The commander
scowled, seeing the broken planks, that probably rot from the old age and the
nature did the rest.
“What now?” one
of the samurai asked, looking at the commander with the anticipation.
The older soldier
furrowed his brows, deep in thought.
“There is another
way.” He said slowly. “Two hours from here is a ford. We could cross the river
One of the
younger men exhaled with relief.
“It’s good to
hear. I was afraid for a moment, that we’d have to lose more time, but it’s fine
with two hours.” He sighed, smiling.
“Especially, that
we can’t be late. It’s really lucky.” Another samurai joined in.
The commander’s
face darkened.
“Fools!” he
berated his subordinated. “The ford is near, but we’ll have to take a mountain
path. It’s steep and treacherous. Many lives has been lost there. We’ll have to
be cautious and then ride like devils.”
After the
commander’s words grim silence fell. Mai and Keiji exchanged glances. The girl
had bad feelings about this detour. The samurais hurried the horses and they
galloped northwards along the river. The soldiers’ pace was murderous, as the
commander had no intensions of crossing the ford in the darkness.
Finally they
approached the place, where the water level wasn’t that high. A thin layer of
ice was covering the river, so it was hard to tell, where exactly the ford was.
Foolish people could try to walk on the ice, but it was very thin.
“Where’s that
ford?” Mai heard a voice, which sounded a bit familiar.
She craned her neck, so
that she could see something, as she and Keiji were at the back of the column.
She saw two
cloaked figures standing at the riverbank. Probably they were just travelers,
who wanted to cross the river too.
“You can’t find
the ford?” the commander asked the taller of the travelers. Mai narrowed her
eyes, but she could see only a beard sticking out of the hood, which covered
the stranger’s face.
“We would be
glad, if you could help us.” He said, bowing his head and leaning on the
walking stick.
The girl noticed, that his hand lacked one finger.
The commander
“The ford and the
mountain path are dangerous. There are wild animals, waiting to devour the
defenseless travelers. We’ll bring you safely to the nearest village.” The
soldier declared.
The bearded man
“We would be
grateful.” He said, while his shorted companion didn’t utter a word, but kept
sending the samurais distrustful and hostile looks.
The commander
cleared his throat, after glancing at the travelers’ shaggy clothes and the ice
on the river.
“We don’t have
any spare horses, but you can share a steed with the lightest of my men.
Hiroyoshi! Kakiya!” the old soldier yelled.
Both Mai and
Keiji stiffened, hearing their names. They exchanged nervous glances and rode
forward, like the commander demanded. The samurai sent them a meaningful look
and gestured the travelers to get on. When the two people looked up, Mai’s eyes
widened, just as theirs. The three of them were staring at each for a while,
when the samurais began already crossing the ford. Then, Mai reached out her
hand towards the shorter of the travelers, who rejected her help and gracefully
jumped onto her horse, seating himself behind her. The other one rode with
Keiji. The girl’s steed stayed a little back, keeping a slower pace than the
rest of the group.
“So, you’re
undercover?” a familiar voice asked.
“You too, Akira?”
Mai retorted.
The boy laughed.
“So it seems.” He
During the break
for the night and later while slowly riding along the narrow, horribly
dangerous mountain path, the girl managed to speak with Akira and master
Sekiguchi and hear their tale.
Unfortunately, it turned out, that the fate
wasn’t merciful for young Maeda. Vile Sasaki managed to send a messenger to
Akira’s uncle the moment the ship landed on the beach, so that it became known,
that the old scholar and the successor of the clan were siding with the enemy
from Echizen. Once the boy and his teacher reached the uncle’s household, they
miraculously eluded capture. Disowned and marked as a traitor of his own province,
Maeda Akira and his teacher were on the run, hiding their identity. However, it
didn’t break the boy’s spirit. Quite the opposite – he wasn’t a spoiled brat
anymore, but a dependable and tough young man, just as Sesshomaru taught him to
Mai was a little
sad, when they had to part, but she knew, that there was nothing to fear –
Akira would surely grow up to be a splendid young man. Once he and master
Sekiguchi left, Keiji rode to her.
“Your friends?”
he asked.
“Yes, you can
call them that.” She replied with a smile.
“GALLOP!” the
commander yelled and the whole column picked up the speed in an attempt to make
up for the lost time.
Mai was growing
restless, as the group of samurai was approaching their destination. The girl
was now in quite horrible shape, the abrasions blooded and her bottom and
thighs were covered in painful bruises. Even though Keiji tried to help her all
the time, she was so exhausted, that she barely managed to sit straight in the
saddle and hold the horribly heavy naginata. However, her determination was
strong as never before. She would endure everything to find out, whether
Sesshomaru was safe and sound.
Meanwhile in the Asakura castle…
The general
Hiroyoshi Shinji rode through the castle gates in high spirits, for he would
see his beloved Amayami today. The young man smiled. The samurai saw a familiar
face of a plump boy, he knew and called out to him.
“Katsuo!” he
shouted. “You’re the youngest son of Kakiya Mitsunari, right?”
The short boy
“Yes. Welcome
home, general Hiroyoshi!” he called back, coming closer and holding the horse’s
reins, while Shinji dismounted.
The samurai furrowed his brows.
“I believe, I
heard, that you were to depart to Urawa with general Wakabe. My cousin was
supposed to go as well.” He said.
Katsuo blushed
and set his gaze at his feet.
“I was supposed
to, but… I overslept and everyone left. Someone must have taken my place. Oh,
and my armor was stolen too…” the boy admitted with shame.
Shinji shook his
head. Katsuo sure had bad luck.
“Lead my horse to
the stables.” The samurai ordered and set off towards the armory to get rid of
the annoying breastplate.
He went in and unfastened the straps of his armor. He
took the heavy thing off and cursed, as his lucky rabbit paw fell on the floor.
Shinji bent to pick up the small item, when he noticed something colorful
tucked in the corner, behind old and unused
breastplates. Curious he reached for it – it was silk fabric. He tucked
it and with surprise discovered, that he was holding several female kimonos of
the finest silk. What were they doing in the armory? Baffled, he decided to
return them to the maidservants.
Once he stepped
out of the building, someone came bothering him again.
Aiko was jogging in his direction, panting. “Hiroyoshi-san, thank gods, that I
found you!”
“What is it?”
Shinji asked, wondering what made the stern woman look so scared.
“Amayami-hime is
missing.” Aiko breathed out. The samurai’s eyes widened.
“What?!” He
exclaimed. “How? When?”
I’m not sure.” The
older woman shook her head. “I last saw her four days ago. She ran to her
chambers, saddened. I thought, that she needed some time alone, so I did not
bother her. In the morning I went into her room, worried if she was fine, but
there was no sign of her!”
Shinji furrowed
his brows at the news. Something told him, that Amayami’s disappearance was a
part of a bigger puzzle. He stared at the kimonos he held in his hand.
“Aiko-san, do you
recognize these?” he asked, passing her the clothes. The woman looked closer
and gasped.
“These belong to
Amayami-hime!” she exclaimed.
The samurai
scratched his chin. Suddenly it all hopped into the right place – Amayami’s
disappearance, her clothes in the armory, Akira’s missing armor. The boy said,
that someone took his place. Shinji had an idea, who could that be, for he knew
only one woman capable of such a risky yet courageous act.
“I know, where
Amayami-hime is.” The samurai said after a while. “I will bring her back.”
Hm… at last something, that wasn’t romance… I guess,
that I like adventure too much.
Please review, okay?
I’m sure, that if you all join forces, you could be
able to read the entire story today. Just comment.
Mwhahahahaha! I'm back. I've been here all along, but too lazy to comment...
ReplyDeleteI have not reviewed for a while... the reason being that, unfortunately, I was becoming irritated. Do not get me completely wrong, I fell in love with your story long ago and read through it like crazy on before searching for it desperately and arriving here. I loved the development, the story, the adventure... it was all so seamless. When the story took a slight tun into the more romantic side I still enjoyed it! I thought it was the perfect pace for a Sesshomaru love story. It wasn't all smut and rabid sex like some, and I loved that about this story. There was hesitation... on BOTH parts. That's is something I loved. I think that Sesshomaru was perfectly paced while Mai was not. That's where I started getting iffy. Mai, in the beginning, was totally justified and head-strong - just how I liked her - but I think it dragged on too long. For me that is. It was just that I thought she was becoming too stubborn for the romance to really develop. This bucket of cold water in your face "I love him!" was just way too abrupt for me, now. I still love the story, up until this point. I still love you and your story, and I respect you very much, but.... I just can't believe in the romance anymore.
ReplyDeleteI understand what your saying but i feel differently... you like Sesshomaru's character the way he is and Mai's character is headstrong and that's just that.. I get where your coming from i just thought i'd share my opinion also, i too read this story from lol we have something in common........
Deleteoh another great chapter, Where is Sesshy? can't wait to see their meeting, hope he is ok, stubborn that he is)
ReplyDeleteShinji knows her well, huh?
ReplyDeleteThis somehow caught my attention O-O
ReplyDeleteI somehow think that Anonymous #1 explained almost just how I felt a bit. Weird. But Anonymous #1 has a point, though. The story was great, REALLY great! The romance, adventures, developments and such. Completely agree that Sesshomaru was perfectly paced in this story. On the other hand, Mai...I'm not sure, but needs to develop a bit more, I think? I know she developed into a more mature person, but when it comes to romance...I'm not sure as well. She was great and she definitely portrayed her personality realistically, but like what Anonymous #1 said. when she was once stubborn and practically confident and optimistic on divorcing with him, and then when he finally leaves her, until there she notices she does have feelings for him. She lacked a bit more development on their relationship, that's what I think any way.But, I still loved your story and I am still hoping you update soon!
Shinjis family sure like to help out maidens in distress...
ReplyDeleteEven if the maiden doesn't look like a maiden
Poor mai, riding horses all day hurt on itself to an inexperienced rider, not to mention with armor that makes you bleed.
I was wondering what had happened to akira and the teacher, glad to know akiras not a brat any longer. Sesshomaru is a good father figure ;)
Please update soon!
I suppose his lucky rabbits foot is lucky after all
ReplyDeleteI feel a little sorry for katsuo, he really wanted to go...
ReplyDeleteHaha! I really like how you protrayed the samurais. So realistic :)
ReplyDeleteI like the commander, I wonder what his name is
Haha the rumours of her and sesshomaru really got out of hand
I love how the story is getting back to adventure now. I do want to see sesshomaru soon though, hope he is okay... :(
ReplyDeleteAmazing... I think the way you write really puts the reader in the situation. Your writing style is amazing. Thank you author-san. Please update soon!
Here we go again:D
ReplyDeleteAnd first of all I have to say, that I don't really get, what they are all complaining about...
Mai never get the chance to think and sort her feelings completely.
Since the marriage she seems so confused and didn't get the time to acknowledging her feelings for Sesshy, when every time they where together he try's to rape her or other things happens.
Why would she let him have his way with her, when she she's not sure in which way his feelings are going.
It would be a decision that could change her entry life.
If they had sex, she would stuck with him till she died and she always wants to build a lovely family, in which Sesshomarus Character simply doesn't fit in. Also she always thought that he would hate her children because they would be hanyos.
I can understand Mai, so I don't get why suddenly some people starts nagging at her.
Sesshomaru is also the fist male that seems interested in her being his wife and she never had a boyfriend before.
You only know what you had, when it's gone.
However. This was what I thought, when she realise her feelings for him and I wasn't surprised of her actions.
Okay. Now lets get to the chapter.
There he was. My little sweet Akira *o*
I really loved this chapter and his short appearance in it.
I also enjoy the young Hiroyoshi Keiji, get on Mais nervs:D
And he is in love with her, but didn't recognize with whom he's talking to:D
Somehow I started pitying him.
On your way Mai. Sesshy is waiting (or not)
I have nothing left to write down, so lets stop here.
I'm still sorry for my horrible English but I keep practicing I promise:D
I'm so exited and I hope that you got a new chapter for us soon.
See ya,
Mizuki Meiro
Their not complaining or nagging Mai, but I think the opinion isn't needed though, they were just sharing thoughts about the oc, they never said they hated her in the first place. And, besides they still love the story, at least its not a stupid flame
DeleteAnd I never said that they hate her.
DeleteI'm sorry when I get something wrong, but to me it sounds just like that and can't stop my big mouth from sharing my thought^^'
I never want to attack someone and just wrote, what was on my mind.
I think everyone here loves the story and I this is my opinion.
When it's like this I take the nagging and complaining back :)
There's no need to apologize. Everyone is just sharing their opinions and thoughts so it isn't a bad thing, and besides that, all of us are here because we love the story ^_^
DeleteYAY! More adventure! :) I love how the story is going! No matter what, just stick to what you feel is best to write, not what other's feel is better! :)-Quagomay
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the old man, and Akira back, even if it was for a short while. Hoping that Shinji doesn't blow Mai's cover! ~Bloodylilcorpse
ReplyDeletePlease Update!
ReplyDeleteDamn it! Please continue, I want to know what happens next!
ReplyDeleteAmazing as always, please update soon! its sad how close to the end we are...