Mai gasped, as
she saw three men coming out of bushes. They wore rags and were armed with
swords. The loathsome smiles were plastered on their faces. One of them
whistled as he scanned Mai up and down.
“Hello, pretty
one.” He said, sending her a lustful look.
Scared Mai took a
step back and turned around with an intention of running at full speed. When
she did so, she noticed, that two other robbers blocked her way.
Mai cursed, when
she realized, that the men surrounded her. Damn, why didn’t she stay with the
group? Why she had to be that stupid?
“We haven’t seen
such a temping woman in a while.” One of them said, probably the leader. “She
looks like a princess. Don’t you want to lay with the princess, guys?”
The robbers
agreed enthusiastically. Mai shivered, when she understood, that they would
rape her. The girl would rather die than let them do such a thing to her. She
gritted her teeth and covered her front with her hands, suddenly realizing how
revealing the thin kimono was. She had to stop them somehow.
“If you do
something to me, a powerful youkai will kill you!” she said to them, trying to
sound confident. She failed, however, as her voice was shaking.
The robbers
started to laugh, as though she just said a good joke. Mai folded her arms
protectively around herself and tried to figure out, how she could get out of
this situation, before it would be too late. If only she managed to knock one
down somehow, maybe she could escape… And what next? Mai was never good at
sports and running was her weak point. There’s no way she could outrun five fit
robbers. She took a deep breath to prevent herself from panicking.
“Have some fun
with us!” called one of men to her, reaching out to grab her arm.
Mai slapped his
hand and backed away from him. The robber smiled widely, what send Mai a shiver
down her spine.
“Feisty!” he
laughed and tried to grab her once more.
This time Mai put
more force and hit his elbow. The man hissed, as he took a step back, clutching
his arm. He spit on the ground.
“Bitch.” He
muttered. “It’s time to teach you some respect!”
With this words
he and his comrades rushed to her and tried to hold the girl still. Weak as she
was, Mai wasn’t willing to give up without putting up a fight. She managed to
punch one of them square in the face, but she felt strong arms grabbing her
from behind and immobilizing her. She couldn’t move a limb. Two robbers were
holding her and three other laughed, even the one with black eye. The leader approached
her and leaned closer to her, his face an inch from hers, so Mai could feel his
stinky breath.
“Ooo… What are
you going to do now?” he mocked her, as he touched her cheek.
“Get your dirty
hands of me!” the girl hissed.
Mai glared at him
furiously. She didn’t intend to make it easy for them. She focused and with all
her force she slammed her head into the man’s nose. She heard a characteristic
cracking sound of a bone breaking and a pained scream. The robber was cursing
and pressing his hand to the face. His nose was bleeding and had now a strange
“Crazy bitch!” he
yelled, as he slapped her across her face. “Who do you think you are? Some kind
of princess? I’ll show you what we do with your kind!”
Mai’s eyes
widened, as he ripped off a knife and stalked to her. Her breathing hitched
with panic, as she thought, that he was going to slash her throat. The robber’s
leader grabbed her long hair and pulled towards himself. Mai whimpered in pain,
as he pulled it with more force. Then she felt the pressure disappear and fell
backwards, free of his grip. She noticed, that the robber was holding her long
brown hair in his hand. He tossed it on the ground and laughed.
“See, you’re an
ordinary woman now.” He said with a lecherous smile, as he approached her.
“Now, you will give us pleasure.”
He reached to Mai
with his detestable hand, but the girl luckily managed to free her leg and
attempted to kick him in the groin. However, something went wrong and she
kicked his knee instead. The robber’s face turned red with rage.
WHEN TO STOP!” he yelled at her, infuriated and took out his knife once more.
Mai felt the cold
steel as he put the blade against her throat. He moved it slightly and the
knife cut the skin on her neck – only to draw a little blood. The robber lifted
the blade to the girl’s eyes, so she could see her own blood staining the knife
and then he licked the blood slowly of the blade.
“You better
listen to me.” He said, sending her another lecherous grin.
Mai snorted.
“I would die
first.” She hissed through her clenched teeth and observed, as man’s face was
turning red again.
“Green Jaken,
blue Jaken, yellow Jaken!” Rin was blabbering. “Now your turn, Jaken-sama!”
“Give it a rest,
Rin!” the green imp whimpered. The little girl pretended, that she was pouting,
but then her face brightened and she started singing some song.
Jaken sighed and
looked back. It was some time since the human woman stayed behind, but she
didn’t manage to catch up with them yet. They made a couple of stops along the
way, so even a slow human should be able to get to the group, but she still
wasn’t here. Maybe she got in some kind of trouble? Jaken ran to Sesshomaru.
he spoke up.
“What is it,
Jaken?” the silver-haired demon asked, without looking at his companion. The
green imp cleared his throat.
“Maybe it would
be wise to look for Mai?” Jaken asked, looking at Sesshomaru for reaction.
“Hn.” The tall
demon didn’t slow down. “There is no need.”
Jaken wanted to
ask something more, but resigned and went to his usual place in front of Ah-Un.
Sesshomaru was
annoyed with that idiot woman. She should have stayed with group instead of
trailing behind. What was she thinking with that foolish head of hers? At least
she would be taught a lesson, if she had to run behind them for a half of day. The
woman was still in the range of the demon’s nose, so Sesshomaru knew, that she
was walking after them. There was absolutely no need of bringing her back now.
The silver-haired
demon furrowed his brows, as he smelled another humans in the vicinity, but
there was probably no need to worry. Suddenly, he stopped and Jaken slammed
into his leg.
wrong, Sesshomaru-sama?” Rin asked.
The youkai didn’t
answer. He sniffed the air. Without doubt, he could smell the scent of blood,
the idiot woman’s blood. He cursed inwardly.
Sesshomaru leaped
into air.
“Stay here,
Jaken!” he ordered the green imp and took off, vanishing in the lightning ball,
which flew into the forest.
asked Rin, worry all over her face. “Do you think, that something bad happened
to Mai?”
The small demon
muttered something under his nose.
“I don’t know,
Rin.” He answered.
The robber’s
leader rushed to Mai, murder in his eyes, but his two comrades stopped him,
grabbing his shoulders.
“Chief, do what
do want to do with her, but wait till we get our share of her!” one of them was
convincing the leader. Mai felt, as she would throw up. She started to struggle
to free herself, but the robbers were holding her so, that she couldn’t move
her body an inch.
The chief
approached her and send her a wide loathsome smile, as he grabbed the front of
her kimono and tugged it. Mai felt the fabric slipping of her shoulders, as the
robber made a cleavage bigger. The man whistled with approval. Mai panicked.
“Let me go!” she
screamed, while trying to wriggle herself from the strong grip. The men
laughed, as they started to touch her bare shoulders, moving their hands lower.
“Help! Someone
help!” Mai kept screaming at top of her lungs. “SESSHOMARU!”
One of the
robbers grabbed the girl’s chin and tried to kiss her. She made it difficult to
him, tossing her head to the sides. The man growled impatiently and slapped
her. He was about to attempt to claim her lips again, but froze abruptly. Mai
stared, as the man’s hand fell limply to his side and he unexpectedly fell on
the ground. She saw, that he had a large gush on his back, the blood flowing
from it made a puddle around his body. His limbs twitched for a moment and then
he went still. Mai stiffened, as she realized, that the man has just been
killed. She lifted her eyes from robber’s lifeless body and gasped.
In front of her
eyes was none other than Sesshomaru. The demon was standing still, calmly
observing the scene.
Did he was the one, who killed the robber?
How did he do that? – Mai
Other robbers got
angry, as they saw the death of the companion. One of the men, who were holding
Mai released her, but the other man was still gripping her tightly, now
pressing a knife against her throat. The other ripped out their swords and
stood between her and the demon.
“Who are you?”
demanded the leader of the robbers.
“I have nothing
to say to the insects as you.” Sesshomaru said calmly, causing Mai’s attackers
to boil with anger.
“Before we have
our way with the woman, we’ll kill you and take that fancy armor of yours!”
yelled one of the robbers and three of them rushed on Sesshomaru, swinging with
their swords.
“Hn.” Sesshomaru
didn’t draw any of his swords. He stretched his arm and Mai could see a green
light at the end of his claws. Then, a green energy whip shot off his clawed
hand and the demon graciously moved with his arm. The whip slashed the
attackers, sending parts of their bodies in the air. Mai froze in terror, as a
fragment of a leg flew inches from her face. She stared horrified at the
silver-haired youkai, not sure, who scared her more – he or the robbers, who
wanted to rape her.
Sesshomaru looked
as calm as nothing had happened just now. Mai felt the robber, who was gripping
her, start to shiver uncontrollably, as the demon turned his attention to him.
“Who are you?!”
he screamed, panicked. Sesshomaru didn’t answer, as he slowly made his way
towards them.
“One more step
and I’ll kill her!” the terrified man threatened, pulling the blade closer to
Mai’s throat.
however, didn’t stop. He smirked, what scared the girl out of her wits. Mai
couldn’t follow, what happened then. The demon leaped forward with such speed,
that the girl noticed only a blurred shape. Suddenly, he appeared right beside
her and the robber. He moved his hand and Mai saw his sharp claws ripping the
flesh of the man’s arm. The cut off limb fell to the ground, freeing the girl
from the grip. She staggered forward and regained somehow her balance. She
turned towards Sesshomaru and the man.
At first, the
robber stared in disbelief , surprised, that his arm was no longer attached to
his body. Then he yelped in pain and started to back away from the demon,
staring at him with horror in his eyes.
“Please, spare
me! Forgive me!” the man began pleading for his life.
Sesshomaru said
nothing, as he slowly approached the robber, flexing his fingers. Mai watched
in horror, as the demon pierced the man’s chest with his bare hand. The arm
dove into the flesh past wrist. The robber screamed in pain and coughed blood.
Sesshomaru waited patiently until the end of man’s agony and then the pulled
his arm back. The lifeless body fell on the ground.
Mai’s eyes widened
in shock as she took in the scene. Two dead bodies laid on the ground, the
smaller fragments of human flesh were everywhere. And Sesshomaru was standing
in the middle of it, calmly shaking the drops of blood of his claws. The girl
shivered, as he made his way to her.
He grabbed her
chin and lifted her face. Mai looked away, as he examined her face, avoiding
his gaze. Finally, he released her.
“Woman, did they
violate you?” he asked her.
Mai shook her
head, staring at her feet. She was still shivering – she has never seen so much
blood in her life. The sight of the demon ripping those men apart with his bare
hands terrified her. She knew, that Sesshomaru was dangerous, but until now she
didn’t really realize how much.
Mai felt a touch
on her cheek, clawed fingers brushing across the bruise in the place, where the
robbers’ leader hit her the face. Surprised girl looked up at the demon. His
golden eyes met hers.
“You’re hurt.” He
stated quietly. Mai pushed his hand away and glared at him.
“It’s nothing.” She
said sharply. “It doesn’t hurt more than my neck did this morning.”
Sesshomaru’s eyes
went cold. The demon looked at her disheveled kimono critically. He grabbed the
edge of fabric and slid it back into the right position, covering Mai’s bare
“If you continue
to dress yourself in such a provocative manner, do not be surprised, when the
incidents like this one occur again.” He said, looking at her cleavage.
Mai blushed and
covered her front with her arms. Sesshomaru snorted impatiently and grabbed her
arm, yanking the girl closer to himself. Mai tried to protest, but he put his
arm around her waist. As she looked down, she saw some kind of a cloud forming
beneath the youkai’s feet. She yelped, as both of them were lifted off the
ground and flew away, supported by a strange cloud. Mai panicked and, suddenly
remembering her fear of heights, she screamed, while clawing on Sesshomaru. She
shut her eyes and continued to tremble. The flight was short – soon the demon
yanked her off him, sending her an annoyed glare.
“Mai!” Mai felt
happy Rin slamming herself against her legs and putting her small arms around
her waist. “You’re all right!”
“Yes.” Mai
answered, hugging Rin back and smiling at the adorable kid. “I was in trouble,
but Sesshomaru saved me.”
“Your beautiful
hair is gone!” the kid exclaimed, while pointing to Mai’s head.
The older girl
lifted her hand to her hair and noticed, that it reached only to a little bit
past shoulders, not to her knees, as before. She sighed heavily, as she remembered
the attackers cutting them. Somehow it felt right, when her hair was like that
– she felt more herself.
“It’s okay. It’s
only hair.” She said to Rin and patted the kid’s shoulder.
Mai looked up, as
she felt the silver-haired demon’s glare drilling into her.
“Woman, get
yourself on Ah-Un.” Sesshomaru ordered.
Mai looked at the
two-headed dragon and winced, not really willing to get anywhere near that
creature. Ah-Un roared, as if he was thinking the same as the girl.
“No, thank you.”
Mai refused politely. Sesshomaru kept glaring at her. “Or maybe I’ll
Mai freed herself
from Rin’s grip and made her way to the dragon. She stopped by Ah-Un’s side.
How the hell I’m
supposed to get on this thing? It’s too tall! – she thought, as she tried to
jump somehow onto the saddle or pull herself up with her arms, without any
effect. Ah-Un roared impatiently.
“Don’t complain.”
She spoke to the dragon. “I’m trying to… Gah!”
She yelped, as
Sesshomaru grabbed her obi, lifting her off the ground and yanked her onto the
saddle. Mai clutched the edge of the saddle.
“Thank you for
helping me out.” She said to the demon, smiling shyly at him. “And thank you
for saving me from those men. I’m really grateful.”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru
turned around from her. He stood still for a moment and then spoke up quietly.
“Human food does not suit me.”
“What?” uttered
Mai, not knowing, what he was talking about.
“The apple.”
Sesshomaru said.
Mai looked at
him, still confused, then she realized, what he meant.
Did he just apologize? – Mai thought surprised. She wanted to
question him more, but then Rin skipped to the demon and tugged his sleeve.
Sesshomaru turned
his attention to the child. He bent and grabbed Rin’s obi. The kid squeaked
with delight, as he lifted her from the ground. The little girl landed on Mai’s
Then the
silver-haired demon turned away and started walking away. Ah-Un moved, lead by
Jaken. Mai had to grip the saddle to keep her balance.
“Let us go.” Said
Sesshomaru, as the group made way through the forest.
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