The apple
Mai was sleeping
soundly, when she felt, that someone was poking her. She ignored it and rolled
onto the another side. The person, who was disturbing her sleep, didn’t gave up
– now someone was shaking he girl. She distantly heard the voices calling her
name. She mumbled something incoherently and drifted to the sleep again. Then
she felt a sharp pain in the vicinity of her kidneys. Her eyes opened instantly
and she rolled onto her back. Then she realized, that her nightmare was indeed
reality. Above her, she saw the concerned face of Rin, Jaken with folded arms
and Sesshomaru. Mai guessed, that the silver-haired demon was the one, who
kicked her just now. When he made sure, that the girl was awake, he turned
around and walked away, the two headed dragon trotting behind him.
“Get up, Mai!
Sesshomaru-sama is leaving!” exclaimed Rin, tugging Mai’s sleeve. Jaken waved
with his staff.
“We will not be
waiting for such worthless humans!” he added.
Mai narrowed her
eyes and punched him with her fist of justice. She gathered her spare kimonos
and stood up. As she did it, she winced slightly. Her bruises were hurting like
hell and damn Sesshomaru added another one to the collection today. Mai took
Rin’s hand and followed the silver-haired demon, trying to ignore the blisters
on her feet and Jaken’s nagging.
They were walking
not longer than an hour, when Mai heard her stomach giving out a loud sound.
She realized, that she didn’t eat anything since yesterday’s breakfast.
“Rin, did you eat
a breakfast today?” she asked the child. The girl nodded.
“We tried to wake
you up for the breakfast.” Said Jaken’s voice. Mai turned surprised towards the
source of the voice to discover, than the green imp was walking right beside
her. She wasn’t quite used to his small size.
“I would use a
good breakfast right now.” Mai said to Jaken. “Do you have any food?
”No.” the imp
answered. “You will have to wait till evening.”
Mai’s eyes
widened in terror.
“You can’t be
serious!” she raised her voice. “I haven’t eaten anything for over a day! I
won’t survive till evening, I’ll day of starvation!”
Ah-Un turned his
both heads towards the yelling girl. Sesshomaru also looked at Mai.
“Woman, if you
are hungry, go and find yourself food.” He said.
Mai furrowed her
brows, unsure what exactly he meant by that.
“We’re in the
middle of the forest.” She pointed out, feeling stupid, as she was arguing with
his back. “What possibly can be here to eat?”
stopped. Rin and Jaken were looking at her, as though unsure, whether she was
serious. The tall demon looked at her, annoyed.
“Go, find
yourself food.” He repeated and looked at the green imp. “Jaken.”
Mai opened her
mouth to protest, but Jaken grabbed the edge of her sleeve and started dragging
her into the forest. Mai pulled her sleeve abruptly, nearly sending the green
imp to the ground and sent him a poisonous glare.
“What the hell
are you doing?!” she screamed at her. Jaken sighed.
“You stupid
woman!” he retorted, dragging her deeper into the forest. “We’re going to find
you some food, as Sesshomaru-sama ordered. If you weren’t so useless, I
wouldn’t have to come with you!”
“Oh.” Mai was
confused. So Jaken was actually helping her? “Sorry, I misunderstood you.”
“No offence.”
Mumbled the green imp, surprised by the girl’s apology.
Mai followed the
little demon, as he was looking for mushrooms and herbs. Maybe it would be a good idea to get along with him. – Mai thought. If she was to travel with
that sadistic demon Sesshomaru, she would use someone to talk to, someone else
than Rin. Mai decided, that she will make Jaken her ally.
“Jaken,” Mai
spoke up. “You surely know a lot about forest. I would never manage to find as
many mushrooms as you did. Are you sure, they’re not poisonous?”
“Of course.” Said
Jaken, proud because of Mai’s praise. He stopped abruptly and pointed something
with his finger. “Look, an apple tree!”
Mai looked in the
direction, that Jaken pointed, and there it stood – a lone apple tree with
branches full of red fruit. The girl heard her stomach rumble again. She made
her way towards the tree. She grabbed one apple and took a large bite. She
tossed another one to the green imp.
“So, Jaken, let’s
go to work!” she exclaimed happily, smiling at the prospect of stuffing herself
with fruit.
Back on the path,
Sesshomaru, Ah-Un and Rin were still waiting for Jaken and Mai to return. The
little girl was sitting on the two-headed dragon, bored to the death. She
looked impatiently at the tall demon.
she spoke up.
“What is it,
Rin?” the silver-haired demon answered without looking at the child.
“Do you think Mai
and Jaken-sama will come back soon?” she asked him.
“Hn.” Sesshomaru
muttered, an annoyed expression on his face.
The youkai had
enough of waiting for his servant and that infuriating human woman, but was
grateful for a moment of silence, free of her yapping and complaining. He
cursed himself inwardly for his own foolishness, which caused him to bring the
wretched woman along. At first, he hoped, that Rin could benefit from the
company of a well-bred human woman, as she could learn proper manners and other
things humans need to. The girl proved herself, however, to be a nuisance. She
was loud, disobedient and on the top of that – he had to keep an eye on her, so
she would not try to escape again.
Rin exclaimed, pointing towards the nearby bushes.
Jaken and that
idiot woman returned, happily talking to each other. The short green demon was
telling about one of his adventures and the girl was listening and making
enthusiastic comments from time to time.
Perfect, now she has not only Rin on her
side, but Jaken as well –
thought Sesshomaru, gritting his teeth and trying to maintain his emotionless
He saw, that the
woman was carrying a lot of fruit, wrapped in her kimono and now she was
wearing only a single layer of clothing. He noticed, that the thin fabric
didn’t leave much to imagination, making the woman’s curves perfectly visible.
Sesshomaru had to admit, that she had a very womanly shape.
“Rin and
Sesshomaru-sama were waiting so long for you!” Rin complained, as she made a
face of a pouting child. Mai smiled at her.
“Come, on, Rin!
We weren’t gone for that long.” The woman scolded Rin and fished an apple from
the bag made of her kimono. “Here, I’ve got an apple for you.”
Mai tossed gave a
fruit to the child and then another one to Jaken. Both Rin and the imp bit into
their apples. Surprised Sesshomaru noticed, that the woman made her way towards
him. She seemed to be unsure, probably was scared of him.
here’s one for you.” She said, offering him a fruit. The demon was looking at
her for a while and then he turned around and started walking.
“Let us go.” He
said to his group, leaving Mai with her hand still outstretched.
Mai stood in
place for a while, as Jaken and Ah-Un with Rin on his back followed Sesshomaru.
What an arrogant jerk! I was nice to him
and he didn’t even bother to say a thing! – the girl thought, as she felt her anger
accumulating. She narrowed her eyes and clenched her fist.
“Hey!” she called
and ran to Sesshomaru, till she was walking by his side. As expected, the
youkai didn’t even turn his head.
“It’s rude to
just walk away like that!” she accused the demon and reached her hand with the
fruit once more. “Jaken and I did our best to collect those apples for the
entire group, so, please, take it.”
Sesshomaru set
his gaze somewhere in front of them and showed no intention of answering her.
Suddenly, he knocked the apple out of Mai’s hand. The girl’s eyes followed the
fruit, as it fell down to the ground and rolled in dirt. She gritted her teeth,
shaking with anger. Then, she just lost it.
“You arrogant
idiot!” she screamed at top of her lungs, gaining interested stares of Jaken,
Rin and Ah-Un. “You crazy bastard! You…”
Mai’s insults
stopped, as Sesshomaru’s self-control snapped and the demon whirled around,
grabbing the girl’s throat and lifting her of the ground. She struggled, her
legs dangling helplessly above the ground. Mai dug her nails into the demon’s
wrist and tried desperately to draw a breath. Sesshomaru was staring coldly
into her eyes, as she struggled to free herself from his grip.
“Do not
disrespect me, woman, ever again.” He said slowly, as he released Mai.
The girl fell
limply to the ground, gasping for breath. The demon gave her a final look and
turned around.
Rin jumped
of Ah-Un and ran to Mai, Jaken followed
her. The little girl was looking at her with concern.
“Mai, are you all
right?” the child asked. The girl slowly nodded, while massaging her sore neck.
“You should
watch, what you’re saying, Mai!” Jaken told her.
The green imp and
Rin helped her get back on her feet, despite her protests. Mai looked around.
In the ground her wrinkled kimono was laying and apples were all over the path.
It would be a waste to leave them here – she and Jaken put quite an effort into
collecting these.
“Come on, Mai!”
said Rin, pulling her sleeve. “We must go.”
“Go first.” The
older girl answered. “I’ll just gather the apples and catch up with you later.”
Rin reluctantly
let go off the sleeve and ran off to get back onto Ah-Un. Mai noticed, that
Sesshomaru turned his head and gave her a suspicious look.
“I won’t run
away.” She said and reached for the kimono, which served her as a bag. The
silver-haired demon and his companions were soon out of sight. Mai sighed and
started gathering apples.
She lifted her
hand to the face and touched her cheek. She felt tears wetting her cheeks. Mai
fell on her knees and buried her face in her hands as she gave out a loud sob.
It was the first time she allowed herself to cry since she arrived in this era.
Mai realized how scared she was – alone in the time other than her own and she
didn’t knew if she will ever come back, if it was at least possible. Ever since
she switched souls with the princess she concentrated on a single task –
discovering how to go home. Now she was a demon’s servant with no idea what to
do next. She felt helpless. What if coming back was impossible and she will
have to spend the rest of her life here? Mai’s life wasn’t thrilling, but she
missed being safe, going to school and cinema, visiting library, where the old
nagging librarian was. She wished, that she could walk on the streets of Tokyo
again, talk with her friend Kagome, watch TV. Earlier she despised, how boring
her life was. She wanted it to be a little more exciting, to experience an
adventure. Finally she got to do that and it turned to be a nightmare – she got
stuck with a sadistic demon, who will surely make her life miserable.
Mai sighed and
wiped the tears of her face. She threw the last apple into the makeshift bag
and stood up. She decided, that she won’t worry now. Later she will think of
something. Mai started marching along the path. She wondered, if Sesshomaru
will wait for her.
I doubt. – she
answered herself and quickened her pace, not very eager to be alone in the wood
for long. The girl thought, that she heard the cracking of twigs, as something
moved in the bushes. Her heartbeat quickened. Mai convinced herself, that it
might be just an animal and most of animals are more afraid of people than the
other way. However, she started walking faster.
She heard the
rustling in the bushes behind her more clearly.
That is not my
imagination. – she thought, panicked, as she spun around to see the source of
noise. As she did, she felt herself freeze in fear.
“Hello, pretty
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