Shomyo's trial
The sun was
already setting, when Sesshomaru found a suitable place for a camp – a
cave hidden by the plants, located not far from the human village. The
dog demon ordered his companions to stop and was watching, as Jaken and
Kohaku were building a fire, while Mai was teaching Rin how to cook
properly. Exhausted Ah-Un crawled deep into the cave and fell asleep
instantly. Sesshomaru wondered how lively the camp was – the voices and
laughter echoed throughout the small cave. This was the noise that was
not entirely bothersome for the inu-youkai.
Sesshomaru unsheathed
Tenseiga and examined the sword carefully, as the last sunrays were
reflecting in the polished surface. He furrowed his brows, discontented.
Tenseiga was still weak, as the Meidou was not complete. Today he did
not manage to finish all the opponents with the sword. They were weak,
so it was not a bother, but if the enemy was stronger, it could be a
problem. Before he finds Naraku, he had to find the solution. He heard
of a person, that could be of assistance. At the top of Mount Tate
resided an eremite, who was said to be nearly two thousand years old.
Therefore a short journey awaited Sesshomaru. In the place he chose for a
camp his group would be safe for days or even weeks, if needed.
Moreover, Kohaku and Ah-Un should serve well as protectors.
there was one issue, that was unsettling the inu-youkai. He glanced at
Mai, who was patiently instructing Rin, in which order to throw the
ingredients into the pot to make a good stew. The woman was smiling
widely, obviously in a good mood now. It did not escape Sesshomaru's
attention, that she was getting herself into trouble every time, he was
not keeping his eye on her. It seemed almost to be supernatural, like
some unique ability. The dog demon was leaving Rin alone frequently and
rarely something happened to the child. However, when it came to the
older female, it was an exception from the rule, when she managed to
stay safe. Sesshomaru came to conclusion, that it would be probably the
safest option if he took the woman along, so that he could watch her and
protect personally if needed.
"Jaken," the dog demon addressed his servant. "I will be gone for some time. Watch Rin and Kohaku."
green imp made an unhappy face, disappointed, that his master would be
going somewhere alone, leaving him behind even though it was Mai's job
to take care of Rin. He opened his mouth, about to protest, but closed
it almost immediately. Maybe Sesshomaru-sama meant, that he counted on
him, Jaken, and expected him to protect the children and Mai while he
was away. Suddenly his heart filled itself with pride, that his master
relied on his strength. It was a relief for the imp, especially, that
recently the human woman was in spotlight. Jaken liked her, but couldn't
refrain himself from being jealous.
"Understood, Sesshomaru-sama." He said seriously. The dog demon didn't bother to grace Jaken with a single look.
you'll be back soon, won't you?" a childish voice spoke from below.
Sesshomaru looked down to see Rin, who ran to him and was glancing with
concern in her eyes. The demon reached his hand and gently patted the
child's head.
"I will, Rin." He assured the little girl, who
beamed a cheerful smile at him. The dog demon shifted his attention from
the girl to Kohaku.
"Kohaku, protect Rin while I am away." Sesshomaru commanded. The boy nodded.
"I will, Sesshomaru-sama." He answered immediately.
inu-youkai nodded, acknowledging the Kohaku's words. The human boy
seemed to be the most reliable of all his companions. Sesshomaru felt an
angry gaze on him and lifted his eyes to meet it.
"I need
protection too!" Mai protested, feeling left out. The girl grabbed her
new umbrella tighter, as though she was holding a weapon. For no
apparent reason she felt like whacking the crap out of Sesshomaru for
ignoring her.
The demon didn't react to her words and stalked to
her. Mai opened her mouth to say something, but she yelped, as he
grabbed her wrist and yanked her upwards.
"Hey!" she fussed. The inu-youkai sent her a warning glare, silencing her for a while.
"You are coming with me." He decided.
she asked, slightly confused. Sesshomaru turned around and made his way
towards the entrance of the cave, still holding her by her wrist.
want to stay!" she protested and dug her feet into the cave floor,
making it difficult for the demon to drag her along. The inu-youkai
pulled her hand stronger.
"You said yourself, that you need protection." He reminded her, growing annoyed with the constant defiance. "I will provide it."
gawked at him. It was kind of nice, that he was thinking about her
safety, but he wasn't exactly eager to go somewhere with him alone.
made use of the gap in her defense and flung her over his shoulder. The
girl yelped and looked at her companions, who were observing the scene
with interest, as though the only thing they needed was popcorn. Rin
happily waved to Mai.
"Have a safe trip!" the child exclaimed. Mai sighed heavily and waved back, smiling at the little girl.
Sesshomaru carried her outside the cave, he lowered her gently to the
ground, much to Mai's surprise, as usually he would just dump her like a
sack of potatoes. He grabbed her wrist and led her between the trees in
the direction of a small clearing. She tried to free herself from his
steel grip, but the demon didn't even pay attention to her struggling
and kept the even pace.
"A woman should be more obedient." Sesshomaru said suddenly. The girl looked at him and narrowed her eyes.
Great, so the arrogant asshole is a sexist too.
"So you think, that women are inferior to men." She stated in a dangerous tone, the demon failed to notice.
Sesshomaru glanced at her, slightly surprised, that it was not obvious to her.
is the natural order, as females are weaker than males and must be
protected by them. That is why women have to be submissive to men. I
believe, that it is the same with humans." The demon patiently explained
it to Mai.
He was about to look at her to see if she understood
the lecture, but only thanks to his youkai reflexes he managed to snatch
her other hand in midair, before an umbrella could land on his face.
"Submissive, my ass." The girl hissed through the clenched teeth.
hearing this medieval nonsense she couldn't help herself and gave in to
her urge to whack the demonic jerk with the umbrella. Unfortunately, it
wasn't that easy, as he was a youkai, after all, and blocked her with
ease. The demon furrowed his brows and his eyes changed his color to
blood red. Mai gasped and instinctively took a step back. She knew, that
attempting to hit Sesshomaru was stupid, but she didn't think, that
he'd get that angry.
"Sesshomaru, I'm sorry!" she said quickly and
a shiver went down her spine as his powerful demonic aura swirled
around him. Then, he released her wrist and took a step back, not taking
his eyes of her. Next thing she knew was a flash of purple blinding
light, as he transformed into his true form.
"Oh." Mai muttered
and let out a breath, she was holding. So Sesshomaru wasn't going to
murder her, after all – he just readied himself for the journey. She was
relieved, that he didn't want her to get on the damn cloud. After the
demon in his dog form growled at the girl, obviously impatient, she
rushed to him and clumsily climbed on his back, clutching her umbrella
in one hand. Once she was sitting firmly on Sesshomaru's back, he soared
into the sky and flew above the clouds, that looked nice and fluffy,
exactly how his fur was. Mai was considering for a moment pulling out
some of it to leave a bald spot, but decided not to test the demon's
patience. It was a miracle already, that he didn't kill her off a while
ago, considering that he had rather short temper.
The sexist
remark really pissed her, but she couldn't really blame Sesshomaru for
it. It was just the way people in feudal era were thinking. She sighed.
Damn the cultural differences.
It were still many hours
till dawn, when Sesshomaru and Mai arrived at the feet of Mount Tate.
The girl was napping, but woke up immediately, when the dog demon
lowered the flight. She looked around, but there was only darkness, when
they found themselves beneath the thick clouds. She grabbed the
youkai's fur tighter, as she felt the impact, as they landed. Mai
carefully slid off Sesshomaru's back and gazed at the big shape, barely
visible in front of her.
"We will have to climb up." The girl
nearly jumped, hearing the demon's voice behind her back. She looked at
him and furrowed her brows.
"Climb?" she repeated slowly. "Can't you just fly up there?"
"Hn." The demon measured the mountain with his eyes. "Not if I want to obtain the eremite's assistance."
opened her mouth to ask another question, but she felt Sesshomaru's big
hand grabbing her own, as the demon began walking along the path
towards the mountain.
"Do not waste my time. I will guide you." He said shortly and pulled her after himself.
Mai stumbled on a stone and hit herself in a foot. She decided not to
argue with the inu-youkai and watch her steps from now on. It was pitch
dark and the girl had to rely completely on Sesshomaru, who seemed to
see quite and was leading her by hand. He was holding her small palm
firmly, but rather gently, as though he avoided squishing it. The girl
was thanking god, that she was walking behind him – she was sure, that
her face glowed red right now. It was Sesshomaru's hand, but still… it
felt awkward and she felt her heart begin pounding faster. She never
held hands with a boy before… not that this was actually holding hands…
pain in the joint made Mai return from her little world to the reality,
as the demon forcefully pulled her hand and jerked the girl upwards.
The path was getting steeper. She clenched her teeth not to hiss from
pain and focused on walking. After one or two hours – it was difficult
to keep count, when the sun wasn't up – Mai got tired of the silence,
interrupted only by the sound of falling stones every time she stumbled.
what are we doing here?" she asked. The demon dragged her along, but
wasn't that kind to tell her where were they going. Sesshomaru wasn't
answering for a while.
"I have to pay a visit to an eremite, who
lives on the peak of this mountain." He said eventually. Mai supported
herself with an umbrella, as the path was getting more and more
"Oh." She muttered. "And why you're looking for him?" she inquired.
"I search for a way to strengthen Tenseiga." Sesshomaru replied surprisingly fast. "The Meidou is not complete."
"And you think, that the eremite will help you with that?" Mai made sure, surprised how smoothly the conversation was going.
believe so." The demon said. Mai looked up and noticed, that the sky in
the east was getting slightly brighter. The dawn was near.
for trying to whack you with umbrella." She said to Sesshomaru, making
use of his conversational mood. The youkai glanced at her over his
"Hn." He turned his head again in the direction, where they were going. "Apparently you are not a submissive female." He stated.
"I'm not." Mai said, a challenge in her voice. Suddenly Sesshomaru pulled her hand forcefully, helping her up.
"Submissive females are good for peasant, not warriors." The demon said.
girl didn't answer and furrowed her brows, trying to figure out if the
inu-youkai just complimented her or not. Either way, what he said
sounded kind of weird. Weird in a suspicious way.
"We reached the
destination." Sesshomaru announced, diverting Mai's attention from his
earlier words. The girl looked ahead and saw a small shrine-like
building lit by the first rays of rising sun. She was really glad, that
it was the end of climbing, as she got really tired and everything was
aching, even though her stamina wasn't that bad anymore. She wanted to
wipe her sweaty forehead, but something stopped her from doing it. She
was holding the umbrella in one hand and the other one was still trapped
in Sesshomaru's palm. The girl tried to wriggle it free, but the
demonic bastard didn't budge.
"Sesshomaru." She hissed to him,
feeling self-conscious again. The inu-youkai looked at her and followed
her gaze, as she pointed with her eyes downwards. The demon saw, that
she was still holding Mai's small palm in his own and mentally cursed
himself. Immediately let go off her hand and turned away from the woman
to hide his uneasiness. The inu-youkai began walking towards the
shrine-like building and Mai followed him, thankfully now silent.
girl carefully peeked inside from behind Sesshomaru's back. Inside the
building looked nothing like a shrine – more like a normal cabin: there
was folded futon, fireplace, some barrels, probably filled with rice and
lots of items usually seen in households.
"Sesshomaru, are you
sure, that an eremite lives here?" Mai asked unsurely, but the demon was
standing still like a statue and nothing indicated, that he'd be
answering her question. The girl came closer to the fireplace and saw,
that the wood was still warm. "The old man must have been here not so
long ago." She said.
"Who are you calling a man?!" suddenly a high
female voice shrieked. Mai's eyes widened from surprise and she muffled
her mouth with a hand, not to scream. She turned towards the source of
the voice and saw a small, skinny old demoness with a walking stick. She
looked exactly like witches from fairy tales, including a crooked nose.
She just crawled through the window.
Mai noticed, that Sesshomaru
was also surprised by the sudden arrival of the old hag, even though he
barely expressed it. It was quite strange, as he was a youkai – he
should have heard her or smelled long ago.
"Mothers didn't you
teach not to barge into someone's house?" the old woman shrieked, eying
Mai and Sesshomaru in a hostile way. The girl's mouth opened agape.
"Your house?" she repeated. "Don't tell me, that you're the eremite."
The hag furrowed her brows and waved threateningly with her walking stick.
course I am! Being a woman doesn't mean, that I can't be an eremite,
girl!" she snapped at Mai and looked up at Sesshomaru, who was towering
over her.
"You must be Sayuri's son." She pointed her skinny
finger at Sesshomaru. "You look like your grandfather from mother's
side. He was quite a looker, your grandfather…"
"My name is Sesshomaru." The inu-youkai said calmly. "I came here to seek your assistance, Shomyo."
The old demoness furrowed her brows and bored her gaze into the dog demon's face.
course." She muttered and casually crawled towards the fireplace. She
began building a fire, ignoring her unwanted guests. Mai came closer to
Sesshomaru and her gaze was wandering between her boss and the eremite.
It seemed like some mental battle – the old hag was obviously trying the
dog demon's patience. Currently she was making tea. Finally, the
inu-youkai snapped.
"I came here to strengthen my sword." He stated in a demanding tone. Eremite Shomyo finally looked at him and sighed.
"I know." She replied and threw some tea leaves into the kettle. Sesshomaru furrowed his brows.
"The Meidou is incomplete. Do you know a way to change it?" he inquired. The old hag sent him an irritated gaze.
course I do. When you live so many years you learn things, boy." She
said and went to get some rice cakes. The dog demon clenched his teeth,
growing impatient with Shomyo's evasive answers.
"Will you assist or not?" he hissed out. The eremite sent him a toothless grin.
depends. My, my, you youngsters are so hot headed…" she mumbled and sat
straight. "Tell me, young demon, what do you value the most in your
Sesshomaru furrowed his brows.
"It has no connection to Tenseiga." He snapped at Shomyo. The old woman stood up and straightened her dusty kimono.
"Quite the opposite, it is crucial." She retorted. "Now tell me, what is the most important to you, young Sesshomaru."
"Strength." He answered without hesitation.
made a mental face-palm. She was sure, that it was the worst possible
answer – in the situation like this he was supposed to say things like
friends, family or world peace. She sighed. Sesshomaru was hopeless…
Apparently the girl was right, because Shomyo's face wasn't expressing approval.
She repeated slowly. "You are proud of it, aren't you? It has become
your reason for existence, that youkai power of yours. The people like
you lack humility, they crush the weaker without a second thought,
because they can. A man like you shouldn't possess the power to throw
your enemies into the netherworld."
Sesshomaru clenched his fist and glared at the eremite.
coming here was pointless then." He stated. Shomyo returned the glare
and broke the eye contact to glance at Mai, who was standing beside the
dog demon.
"I will make the Meidou complete, but you must undergo a
trial, Sesshomaru." The old woman said, a grin flickering on her
wrinkled face.
"What trial?" The demon demanded. Shomyo waved her hand casually.
"If you meet me in the temple in Saga before twelve days will pass, I will help you with your problem." She said.
Sesshomaru relaxed. The city of Saga was far south, bordering with
Ariake Sea, but the journey would take him a day at most. "We have a
deal then."
The old woman cackled.
"Good. Be sure to show up
in time, boy, because if you don't, you won't get back what you lost."
She said in a chanting tone. The dog demon furrowed his brows.
"Lost?" he repeated, baffled by the enigmatic words. Shomyo's wrinkled face got serious.
be naive, in order to gain, you must lose." The old woman explained in a
way adults talk to children. "You desire greater strength… so the price
will be equal. See you in twelve days in Saga!"
After the last words the air around the eremite swirled and she literally disappeared.
"Tch!" Sesshomaru hissed irritated. Mai looked around.
"She' s gone." The girl stated the obvious. The demon stormed out of the eremite's house and Mai jogged after him.
seems, that this Sesshomaru was deceived." The demon hissed out, fury
in his voice. The girl sighed, regretting, they would have to go back
empty-handed. However, the demon asked himself for it. If only he wasn't
so horribly honest sometimes…
"What now?" she asked quietly. The inu-youkai clenched his fist.
"We are returning to Jaken." He said sharply. "I will find another way to strengthen Tenseiga."
nodded and trotted after her boss, as the demon made his way down the
mountain. Now that the sun had risen, she had to manage by herself, but
Sesshomaru was helping her where the path was difficult. The trek down
the mountain was much quicker, mainly because Mai wasn't tripping that
much. Soon enough they found themselves back at the feet of Mount Tate.
girl waited for Sesshomaru to transform, but he was dawdling for some
reason, just standing in place like a statue, not moving, with closed
eyes and a focused face expression. After a longer while Mai lost her
"Sesshomaru, maybe you could take your true form and
take us the hell out of here?" she said, muffling a yawn, as she had
only a short nap tonight. The demon opened his eyes and looked at her
with a strange expression – the mix between anger and bewilderment.
do you think I am doing right now?" he hissed out through the clenched
teeth. Mai furrowed her brows, suddenly feeling uneasy.
"What do you mean?" she asked quickly. Sesshomaru turned himself away from her and clenched his fist.
"I cannot summon my youki." He said.
"Submissive females are good for peasants, not warriors."
ReplyDeleteNot... at all actually. A warrior will most definitely kill you if you think you're hot shit and getting in his face; just as Sesshomaru should have done LONG ago to Mai if this story was at all correct to character. Shit, even I would have killed her with that ungrateful attitude. Sesshomaru has literally taken this girl in - fed her, clothed her, bought her gifts, SAVED her (we all know how incapable she is when it comes to getting kidnapped) and he's restrained himself from cutting her throat - remarkably - and she still is a twat; for lack of a better word.
"Damn the cultural differences." Is she not Japanese..?
There's an awful lot of political bias in this story - with the so called 'sexism' and 'racism'. The series takes place 500 years in the past, Sesshomaru is perfectly in his right to think as he does. Not once has Sesshomaru ever been vocal about his views on women, or even about humans besides that they're insects (which was only said by Inuyasha) - yet has grown attached to Rin. Of course, he has been to Inuyasha but that's hardly relevant because he's bitter about his father's choices.
Take the political bias out, and I might take this story as more than a farce.
while you and a bunch of other people are hating on this story, let me remind you one thing. this is off an anime/manga. who cares if it has incorrect political statements or whatever. It's here to entertain us. So i accept the fanfiction the way it is. and if I have a problem with it, then I stop reading. But i really could care less about Mia being a bitch or how there is a lot of sexism from Sesshomaru. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEN DON'T READ. I personally think this is by far my favorite fanfiction ever written. Good job creator