The surprise in the Asakura castle
the morning Mai, with the escort of Shinji and his men, reached the
castle of her fake father. The girl repeated to herself, that she has to
act as a princess from now on. The young samurai led her to the castle
to meet Lord Asakura.
"Just imagine the faces of everyone, when
they see you." Her friend whispered to her, excited. When they reached
the door to the great hall, Shinji announced himself and Mai.
Shinji and … Amayami-hime." He said in a loud voice. The door opened
and they walked inside. The lord furrowed his brows and with dangerously
angry expression he turned around, looking at the newcomers.
"What is the meaning of…" he started bellowing, but stopped in midsentence, as he noticed Mai. "Amayami, my child!"
The daimyo rushed to her and grabbed her shoulders, looking at her with teary eyes.
beloved daughter is back." He said quietly, joy in his voice. Mai
smiled at him shyly, feeling sorry for the man – his real child was
killed by a truck.
The next two weeks were like a dream.
Everyone insisted on spoiling Mai, who was a miraculously saved
princess. She had to endure the lord, who was in tears, every time he
saw her and Aiko, who was hugging her without a break. Shinji also
benefitted from all the commotion – he got a couple of villages as a
reward for bringing the princess back. Mai began to accustom anew to the
situation and discovered, that she quite liked it. True, she missed Rin
and all her friends, but at least she was blissfully free from
dominating jerks, Naraku and suspicious weapons, who were trying to
possess her. She thought, that she could get used to living like that.
Maybe in time she would meet a dashing young daimyo and date him – in
this times it was called courting – as Mai remembered correctly. At
least her life would be Sesshomaru-free.
She walked out of her
rooms, after she managed to dress herself. The girl yawned – she was
reading all night by the light of the candles and was sleeping off till
afternoon. The advantage of being a miraculously returned daughter was,
that she could do anything she wanted. She looked around the castle, but
the place was oddly empty. Even the servants weren't polishing the
floors, as they always did.
Then, she saw Aiko stalking down the corridor. Mai narrowed her eyes at the target and approached the old crone.
"Aiko, where's everyone?" she asked.
new Lord Maeda arrived today and your father takes part in negotiations
of the truce." The woman informed her. Mai clenched her fists. They
didn't happen to inform her about something as important. Aiko scanned
the girl up and down.
"I see, that you are properly dressed." She
commented with a pleased smile, seeing her pink kimono. She critically
touched Mai's hairpin with emerald. "But better get rid of it, it
doesn't suit the pink."
Mai mechanically slapped her hand.
hairpin stays." She said stubbornly. Somehow, she was unable to part
with it, even though it was Sesshomaru who gave it to her. The piece of
jewelry reminded her of the nice day, they spent together with Rin.
Aiko sighed.
"If you insist… Come, Amayami, you must be presented to Lord Goemon."
"Goemon?" Mai asked.
"The new Lord Maeda." Aiko explained. Mai nodded and followed the old crone.
both women passed through the large crowd, who gathered in the other
part of the castle. Soon the two men came out through the main door. One
of them was Lord Asakura and the other one must have been that Goemon
or how was he called. She put on her most princess-like expression and
stared at her feet, as a well-bred lady would.
"Lord Maeda, this is my daughter, Amayami-hime." She heard her fake father say.
see what my brother saw in you, my lady. You are a beautiful flower."
Said a husky voice. Mai lifted her face to look at the man and nearly
gasped. He looked a lot like a Gorouza, true, but instead of a smile
plastered across the face, the man had a gentle expression. His brown
eyes were gazing softly into her own. The man was dressed in fine silk,
but the clothes were rather plain, not so flashy as Gorouza's.
Her fake father scolded her. Mai snapped back to the reality and
realized, that she was gawking at the handsome guy the whole time.
is pleasure to meet you as well." She said, just as a princess would.
The man gazed into her eyes and smiled at her sincerely.
"I will wait eagerly to speak with you again, princess."
Asakura and Maeda left after that to refer the terms of the truce to
their advisors. Mai had to stand in the place all the time with Aiko at
her side.
"Lord Goemon is a fine man." Aiko stated, looking at
Mai, who mumbled something as an answer.
"He would be a appropriate
match for you."
"I suppose." Mai uttered, thinking what an impact on her had the man. Well… he was dashing after all.
The old crone turned her head and noticed something.
"Amayami, he is coming this way!" Aiko whispered.
also turned her head and saw, that the young lord was approaching. She
smiled politely at him and he offered her a charming smile in return.
would you accompany me on the walk in the gardens?" he asked boldly.
Mai felt her cheeks blushing. Oh god, was it like asking her out. She
only managed to nod and went with him, cursing her body for how stiff it
was with nervousness.
She was walking beside him along the
alleys, with Aiko lurking from afar. The man was surprisingly easy to
talk to, putting aside Mai's nervousness. Every time the girl said
something, he would listen carefully, his own stories were also
interesting. The guy was perfect – nice, charming and handsome. In a
nutshell – he was the complete opposite of Sesshomaru, putting aside the
looks. Mai never thought about this before, as she considered the demon
only as her hellish boss, but she had to admit, that he was devilishly
handsome. Especially with bare chest. Mai felt her face flush at the
memory and she scolded herself mentally. It must be some damn hormones.
Going back to Goemon, he was gentle and understanding and Sesshomaru had
always this aura of raw power around him. Goemon's eyes had soft
expression in them, very different from the golden ones, unyielding and
cold. Why the hell was she thinking about the sadistic bastard anyway?
Mai cursed Sesshomaru from distracting her from her very first date in
"Amayami-hime, are you all right?" Goemon asked her with
concern. Mai smiled faintly and nodded. How could she even think about
the inu-youkai, when he killed Goemon's brother?
"Umm… Goemon-dono, I am sorry about the death of your brother." She said. The lord saddened.
miss him, but nothing could bring him back. I heard what the people
talk in Kaga, but I know, that this was not your fault, Amayami." He
said. Mai stared at her feet. Actually, it was her fault. If she hadn't
befriended Rin, Sesshomaru wouldn't have slaughtered all those people,
including Gorouza.
"My brother sacrificed his life trying to save
you. To die in a battle, fighting to protect the one you love, is an
honorable death for a samurai. I only wish, Gorouza would have
succeeded… You must have been subjected to a horrible fate, princess."
nodded slowly, thinking, what she should say to him. After all she
spent the two months in Kagome's house and that could hardly count as a
horrible experience. Being Sesshomaru's servant had some serious
drawbacks, but saying that she had to babysit the demon's ward just
didn't sound terrible enough.
"Well, it was terrible, simply horrifying." She answered.
"The demon, who kidnapped you… what he was like?" Goemon asked her.
Mai wondered how should she describe Sesshomaru in a nutshell. He
wasn't an average mindless beast, that enjoyed slaughtering people. He
was chasing Naraku – that was rather a positive goal. He had this
domination issue of his, but on the other hand, he always protected Mai
and the rest of his group. He had a horrible attitude, but it wasn't
worth mentioning. Why the hell couldn't she say something really bad
about Sesshomaru right now?!
"I don't want to talk about this." Mai told Goemon finally.
not talk about past, but future." Suddenly Goemon said, taking her
hands in his. Mai flinched at the touch and stared at him. The lord
looked into her eyes, serious expression on her face. "Amayami, your
honorable father and I have decided to unite Kaga and Echizen by our
marriage. I know, that we met each other today, but I am already enticed
by your beauty and grace. Will you honor me with becoming my wife?"
Mai uttered, dumbfounded. It was their first date and he proposed
already?! No way she would marry, she was only seventeen! The girl took a
deep breath to calm herself down. She was now in the feudal era, things
work different here than in modern Japan. Those turn of events was
supposed to be normal for sengoku era. She stared at her feet, not being
able to decide, what she should tell Goemon. Did she want him? In a
manner of speaking yes, she'd be happy to date him for a while and then
decide, but she may not have that chance. Come on, the guy was a walking
perfection, every girl's dream. Why the hell would she say no?
Unknowingly, Mai touched her hairpin.
"Amayami-hime?" Goemon
asked, waiting for her answer. Mai lifted her head and bit the lower
lip. This was the best chance to get the nice man and lead a happy life,
"Yes…" she said, still hesitating. However, the young lord
didn't notice the unsure tone in her voice, or pretended not to notice.
He offered her his hand and he walked her to her rooms. He said goodbye and Mai was left alone.
girl tossed herself onto bed and rolled onto her back. What a day! She
met a dashing prince and will marry him in the future, hopefully there
would be enough time to date a couple of times. She grinned sheepishly.
In your face, Sesshomaru! I'm not going to be your slave!
Mai slapped her forehead, as she felt something stinging her, presumably a mosquito.
said a familiar, pained voice. The girl yelped and sat down. To her
surprise, before her was sitting none other than Myoga the flea.
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