The gates of Kanazawa
wobbled on her feet and grabbed the wall for support, as the cave floor
shook violently. Small rocks fell from the ceiling right onto the heads
of a small group. A loud boom could be heard and the walls were
vibrating long after it happened. The girl widened her eyes, confused.
What was that? It sounded just like…
"Mai-san, what was that?!"
Chiyo squeaked, voicing aloud Mai's thoughts. The young girl looked
scared, as she cuddled to her grandfather. Master Sekiguchi exchanged
glances with Mai.
"Gunpowder." He said, panting, as the escape exhausted his worn body. "Gunpowder exploded."
looked at him, shocked. She knew, that the man was right, it sounded
just like in movies. If something like that happened, it could mean only
one – Sesshomaru was… She shook her head, not wanting to admit to
herself, that the dog demon could be no longer among living. He was
always so strong, so confident. It always appeared to her, that he was
kind of immortal, anyone could die, but not him. She felt tears
gathering in the corners of her eyes, but tried to keep her cool. It
would be the time to mourn Sesshomaru later. Now it was her task to get
herself and those people to the safety. She clenched her fist.
on, we have to hurry!" she called to her companions, supporting the
scholar Sekiguchi. "The cave can collapse anytime now!"
Chiyo and
Souichiro nodded and followed her, as she dragged the scholar along the
corridor. Mai gained a position of a leader and everyone relied on her.
She had to be strong for all of them.
The cave was shaking from
time to time, sending a shower of tiny rocks on her heads. Mai feared,
that the explosion's aftershocks may cause the whole corridor to
collapse, so they had to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.
However, they were running for some time now, covered a considerable
distance, but there was no end of the corridor. Mai prayed inwardly,
that the cave wouldn't have a dead end. To make the matters worse, the
people were growing weaker with every passing minute, as lack of sleep
and weariness were taking their toll. Moreover, the air inside the cave
lacked the oxygen, what was making them dizzy. Chiyo was holding on
quite well, but the two elderly were barely standing on their feet. They
had to get to the surface fast. Mai forced her companions to pick up
the speed.
The girl clenched her teeth from the effort, as she was
nearly carrying Sekiguchi on her back and lead their group, lightning
the way with her torch. Then, she nearly bumped into a wall, as the
corridor ended without any warning. The old scholar leaned himself
against the wall and Mai looked around. She didn't want to say aloud,
what she thought. It looked like it was a dead end. The walls around
them were considerably smooth.
"There's no way out?" Souichiro
asked, panic in his voice. Mai took a deep breath, not wanting to sound
unconfident – she would only scare the others. She noticed, that Chiyo
was horribly pale already and her lips began to tremble.
"Calm down." Mai said. "Let's look around."
others nodded, without much enthusiasm though and started searching the
place. It proved to be difficult, as the light, cast by the torch, was
very faint. Chiyo and Souichiro were tracing the surface of the wall
with their fingers, while Mai looked on the cave floor. It was very
uneven, covered in dust and small rocks. One structure caught her
attention. The girl crouched by it and cleaned it from the rocks with
her hand. Underneath the layer of soil was solid wood. Mai furrowed her
"Chiyo, come here and hold the torch!" she called to the
younger girl. Chiyo swiftly ran to her and did, what she was asked to.
With her hands free, Mai worked faster to uncover the strange structure.
She gasped, when she recognized, what it was – a wooden ladder, about
three meters long. The girl looked up and, actually, there was a small
hatch above. It was a way out! Mai smiled to herself.
"There's a hatch up there." She said, pointing the ceiling. "Help me get this ladder up."
Soichiro's help, she managed to set the ladder in place. It was
wobbling a lot, but it was still intact, as the wood wasn't rotten even
after all those years.
"Who's coming first?" Chiyo asked, looking
questioningly at Mai. The girl furrowed her brows, thinking. She should
stay and hold the torch. She was too weak to force the hatch open
anyway. She looked at one of the elderly men.
"Souichiro, do you
think you'll manage to open the hatch?" she asked him. Chiyo's
grandfather nodded and straightened his back, as though he wanted to
appear stronger.
"Maybe I'm old, but I'm used to hard work." He
said and began climbing the ladder. Mai took the torch from Chiyo and
waited. The three of them were observing, as Souichiro wrested with the
hatch, that refused to open. The man's face was red with effort and the
drops of sweat began streaming down his face. Finally, with a loud
squeak, the hatch moved slightly. With one more forceful push, Souichiro
managed to open it completely and the sunlight filled the cave. Mai
felt like shouting with joy. They made it! They found the way out. She
looked around and saw the same hopeful expressions on her companions
"All right." Mai said. "Chiyo, it's your turn. Master Sekiguchi will come right after you."
The girl nodded and began climbing the ladder. The old scholar looked at Mai with a smile on his wrinkled face.
"It looks like you lead us out, Mai." He said.
nodded. However, she couldn't smile back to Sekiguchi. Too much
happened, too many sad things. Silence fell, as both of them stayed
quiet, waiting for Chiyo to get to the surface. However, a barely
noticeable sound could be heard. Mai narrowed her eyes, as she heard it –
it was coming from the corridor. She stared into the darkness. The
noise was faint, but was getting stronger with every passing second.
Master Sekiguchi also noticed it, tension all over his face. Mai glanced
at him.
"This sound…" she whispered. "Those are footsteps, aren't they?"
scholar didn't answer, but nodded, confirming her fears. Mai bit her
lower lip. Someone was coming and his footsteps were echoing throughout
the cave, warning them. It could mean one – one of the enemies got
through Sesshomaru and Harada and he was coming. Without hesitating, she
extinguished the torch, not wanting to give out their position too
quickly. If only they managed to get out of the cave and block the hatch
with some stones, they would be safe. She looked up and saw, that
Souichiro was already helping Chiyo off the ladder.
Sekiguchi, hurry up." She whispered and took out the knife, Sesshomaru
gave her the day before. She honestly hoped, that she wouldn't have to
use it.
Mai was glancing at the old scholar nervously. The old man
was slowly crawling up. The girl refrained herself from tapping with
her foot. It was doubtful if the ladder could support two people, so she
had to wait for Sekiguchi to get out of the hatch. The sound of the
footsteps was getting louder, now echoing throughout her mind. Mai tried
to keep her hands from shaking. She put the knife between her teeth and
grabbed the ladder, waiting for her turn to climb up. The enemy was
getting closer and the elderly scholar was awfully slow. She could go
after him, but it was too risky. The ladder was so old, that could
collapse and both of them would be in deep shit. She waited and the
noise was louder and louder.
Finally, Souichiro and Chiyo grabbed
Sekiguchi and helped him up. Instantly, Mai began climbing as fast as
she could, two steps at the time.
Suddenly, she felt something
grabbing her ankle. The girl realized in a heartbeat, that it was the
enemy. She tried to move her leg, attempting to kick him off the ladder,
but her ankle was trapped in a steel grip. Mai cursed inwardly – if her
leg wasn't caught in midair, she could have used the other one to kick
that attacker in his face, but she needed to hold on to the ladder
somehow. The girl kept trying to wriggle herself out of the hold, but
her efforts were fruitless.
She decided, that it was the time to
resort to violence. The girl grabbed the ladder firmly with one hand and
took the handle of the knife, that was between her teeth. With a
considerably swift move, she crouched down and prepared to slash the
enemy. She was swinging her hand already, when she saw, who was the
person, that grabbed her ankle. Her eyes widened from surprise, as they
met golden eyes, sparkling in the sunlight, that reached to the cave.
Mai stopped her hand from moving in the last moment and lost her
balance, falling from the ladder right at the top of that person.
the girl heard Chiyo's voice from above, as she landed on something
soft. Mai pulled herself up to the sitting position and wasn't sure if
she should be happy or quite the opposite. Namely, she was sitting atop
Sesshomaru, who she just knocked down. The demon was glaring at her in
his most intimidating way.
"Umm… you're alive." Mai coughed out, stating the obvious. The inu-youkai arched his eyebrow.
he asked. The girl narrowed her eyes at him. Damn, the guy was like
back from the dead and he was cheeky already! She made a pouting face.
didn't have to scare me so much!" she scolded him. Sesshomaru didn't
answer and pulled himself up, throwing Mai off him. The girl yelped and
opened her mouth, about to protest, but closed it almost immediately,
when she realized the position, she just had been in – straddling the
dog demon. She felt a blush rushing to her face. Crap, not now. So embarrassing!
The dog demon yanked her up, without any warning and dragged her to the ladder.
woman." He told her, looking at her flushed face with amusement in his
eyes. The girl wanted to berate him for ordering her around, but, on the
other hand, letting him have fun of her because of her damn blush was
worse. Without word, she obeyed him. She climbed a few steps, when she
wanted to ask Sesshomaru, what happened to captain Harada. She glanced
at the demon. Her face turned scarlet, when she saw, where the
inu-youkai's attention was. Sesshomaru was casually staring at her now
exposed tights. Mai felt anger boil in her veins. She understood, that
he was a male, but to have a nerve to do something like that!
"Sesshomaru…" she said in a low tone, warning in her voice. The dog demon looked up.
He said, before looking away. Mai narrowed her eyes at him and got back
to climbing, wanting to get her legs to safety from Sesshomaru's stares
as soon as possible. He is so unbearable! Well, at least he's alive…
The girl crawled through the hatch. Souichiro helped her up. Everyone's eyes widened, as they saw Sesshomaru following Mai.
"Sesshomaru-san?" Sekiguchi choked out, surprised, that the demon was still alive. "And the captain?"
Sesshomaru straightened his clothing.
He said shortly, but after a while decided, that the courageous human
deserved his story to be told. "He set the gunpowder on fire and
collapsed the cave. The enemy will not pursue us."
Mai sighed. She
expected, that something like that happened. However, it was odd, that
Sesshomaru didn't refuse to go to them. She smiled to herself.
Apparently the captain was convincing. The dog demon may be a bastard,
who kidnapped her and got her into the whole mess with Naraku, but she
would miss him if he was dead. Harada made a good deed, she would surely
remember to light a candle for his soul.
"Do not stay behind."
Sesshomaru's voice made Mai turn her attention back to what was
happening. She saw, that the dog demon was already walking away and the
group followed him without saying anything. The girl also dragged
herself after the inu-youkai.
All of them were exhausted, as they
didn't close their eyes even for a minute, so Mai was glad, that
Sesshomaru didn't force the murderous pace. She furrowed her brows.
Perhaps he was tired too? If he was, he didn't show it. The girl marched
faster, so she could walk beside the demon. She stole a glance at him
and thought, that his face looked a little bit weary. This journey was
surely a tough one for both of them.
Sesshomaru lead their group
through the forest, till they reached the stone road. Once they were on
the way to Kanazawa, Mai sighed with relief. The road was crowded, so
the probability of being attacked was low. From now on, everything will
be okay – she was sure of it. Or rather, she hoped.
During the
whole journey, no one said a word, till they reached the capital.
Everyone went through something depressing and no one was in mood for
chatting. Finally, they were about to pass the gates to Kanazawa. Mai
looked up and saw, that the castle, that had been burnt to the ground,
was being rebuilt and the wall encircling the city was still under
repair. Everyone's papers were checked thoroughly at the gates and their
group had to stand in a long line. When the moment of parting was near,
it was the time for reflections.
"It is a miracle, that we are
alive." Souichiro shared his thoughts with no one in particular. All
eyes looked at him. Chiyo hung her head, surely thinking about her
mother, who just lost her life.
"It's not a miracle." Master
Sekiguchi disagreed quietly, shaking his head. "We wouldn't be among
living without the efforts of brave men, who sacrificed our lives… and
one demon. We owe you our lives."
The elderly man looked at
Sesshomaru and slightly bowed his head with respect. The dog demon
didn't seem to be moved by the praise.
"Hn. It was not my
intention to protect you." He said, turning his head away. Mai sighed
heavily, sending him a doubtful look. The dog demon would never change,
would he? The others stared at him with disbelief. The girl flashed an
apologizing smile at them.
"Don't mind him. Sesshomaru has just a
terrible attitude, but he's a good man... I mean demon." She said to
their companions, trying to explain the inu-youkai's behavior to them.
Maybe she was used to his antics, but the same couldn't be said about
other people. Mai felt Sesshomaru's gaze on her and glanced back. Almost
immediately she regretted it, as she met his murderous glare. She
gulped and was thinking of something to say to him, when Chiyo
approached the inu-youkai.
"Umm… Sesshomaru-san…" the young girl
began shyly, staring at her feet. Her nervousness was apparent – she was
twisting her fingers, her lips trembled a bit. Slowly, she lifted her
head, looking at the demon. Tears were sparkling in her eyes. The dog
demon looked at her impassionedly. Chiyo cleared her throat. "I… I just
wanted to say, that… I don't blame you for my mother's death. I know,
why you did that. I just wanted you to know. Thank you for not letting
me and grandfather die."
When the girl finished, tears were
streaming down her face, as she clenched her fists. Sob shook her body,
when Souichiro approached his granddaughter and took her in his arms,
comforting the girl.
Mai looked at the pair with compassion. From
her own experience she knew, how hard it was to deal with the death of a
relative. But, she knew, that it was possible – only time would heal
Chiyo's wounds.
"Papers!" an official called, as it was her and
Sesshomaru's turn to cross the gates. The dog demon handed the pieces of
paper to the man, who checked them carefully. The official sighed
heavily, obviously bored by his job. "The haven is in the western part
of the city. You just have to go straight, along the main road. Next!"
began walking without even turning away, while Mai glanced at their
temporary companions. She smiled to them and waved.
"Goodbye and
good luck!" she called to them. Chiyo waved back to her, Souichiro and
master Sekiguchi bowed their heads and bid her farewell with smiles. The
girl turned away and followed Sesshomaru, as they made their way
through the city of Kanazawa.
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